Friday, April 23, 2004

I got one of them fancy new google mail thingers and passed it onto Tim since he has a lousy hotmail account. So you should email him to say hi or something at cimicis at gmail dot com

Tonight we are going to Richard's MFA getting art show. Did I mention that I saw his wife and the kids (as well as him) a couple weeks ago at the MATC powwow? Of course I mentioned that. What I might NOT have mentioned that half way through getting Cassidy ready I noticed that Carla seemed...bigger. Her tummy was totally sticking out, but yet she had tons of energy and was moving about very robustly. She didn't even sit down once, despite repeated pats of the bleacher. So, I asked Tim if she didn't maybe look like she was pregnant. He said he didn't know. (Men, they are so freaking helpful). Yet, I kept thinking "Well, she has three kids already...this is going to be four and I swear they were gonna stop at three." Oh, I wanted to ask her...I SO wanted to ask her. But the fear of being wrong overcame that desire.

Turns out, she IS pregnant and not only that, but DUE next week. Geez! I could kick Richard's ass for not telling me. Now, I have decided that I won't do what I always said I would, of not telling anyone that we were expecting. Lesson learned.

Oh, and in other news:

hadjare: I am so evil.
hadjare: I have just committed massive snailcide.
Bugboy: cool
hadjare: Cool? That I should be convicted of war crimes
Bugboy: they're just snails
Bugboy: You've even eaten snails
hadjare: I knew you would put that against me. Not only do treat them like invertebrates but I have also eaten their flesh. Thanks alot. That is going to get me far in the trial of snails.
Bugboy: Snails don't have trials. They don't understand justice. It's all about revenge with them.
hadjare: Oh great.


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