Friday, April 02, 2004

When terrible or tough times befall us, I try not to focus on it. I try to just keep going ahead and trust that something will happen. Tim on the other hand will fall into a deep pit of misery and threaten to take me with him. There have been times when I am tempted to sever that lifeline and just let him swim in his pity pool. I don't want to drown. BUT I don't. I hang around on the side of the pool with one of those emergency tubes ready to throw at him when I can. But I still hope something will turn up. It always does.

Tim got a raise! How awesome is that? That is just what we needed.

Janice came by the other day and dropped off four books. I am to read and review these books as they are candidates for the Wisconsin historical something or other award AND I get a small consultation fee! Neat. Right now I am reading about hobo's in the midwest, and last night dreamed I jumped a train.

TKD is awesome! On Wednesday they had a sparring class meant for the upper belts, but since there was two newbies there (me and this other dude), we got to spar...except slowly. It was fun and totally reminded me of my ninja days with my brother out in the front yard by the light of the moon... However I don't think I will go back until I learn more moves and am more confident in blocking etc. But YAH! It's fun.

Wednesday night Tim Djayed at the Inferno. It was. ... okay. I had a good time with Tim' sets and danced more than I have in a long time. But I was disappointed at the crowd. I remember the first April fool's masquerade they had and the place was Not so much. Madison's alternative dark crowd disappoints me. There still has to be the same amount of misunderstood college kids and such...where do they go now? What is their subculture?

Yesterday Tim took the day off to recuperate. It was a glorious vacation day where I too, did nothing but watched TV and cut out squares for my first quilt. We watched Treasure Planet last night and ate fresh from the oven brownies with vanilla ice cream. OH was that good. I begin to tell you how heavenly it tasted.

Today, I am going to make some casseroles, ride my bike, take a shower and write write write...oh and do the dishes...(I wish someone else would do least once), laundry, clean kat boxes, and take Pluto out for a walken's.

OH and I almost forgot! I got Tim yesterday in an April Fool's! I didn't want to do anything mean like say the animals were bleeding or hurt, etc. So I thought of a simple one. He was playing his game with his headphones on and I said "Tim...go answer that." He says what? I say "I thought I heard someone at the door." He gets up and walks to the front door. Is there anyone there, I ask. He says "No, no one here." At which point Pluto comes to see what Tim is doing. Then I shouted "April Fool's!" And he got all embarassed.

You see, if he had been aware he would have noticed that Pluto didn't move an inch from his crate until Tim was at the front door. If someone had knocked, or merely brushed the door with their fingernails, Pluto would have been there in an instant. He he. I got him.


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