Sunday, May 16, 2004

Oh my gosh. Tim's weekly game was cancelled today, and I told him maybe it was a blessing in disguise because I really needed to find a dress and some new undergarments for the wedding next weekend. Three hours, eight stores later and fifteen dresses, I finally found two...TWO that look good. Where did I finally luck out? Kohl's...a store I have only ever been in once, was my saviour. Tim was an excellent darling, critical, honest and good at finding dresses for me to try on. This is the first time I have ever had a successful dress hunt. Usually I look, get depressed and either "settle" or just wear a skirt and shirt combo. Thank god I don't have to do that again for a long, long time.

We got home and was greeted with a smell that has never before been in our house. Tim spotted it first...a sloppy pile of poo on the hardwood floor leading to the kitchen. Apparently one of the dogs couldn't hold it...I hate diarrhea. However, considering this is the first time since we got any dog in this house, I consider it a blessing. I am so thankful that we got a place with hardwood floors and that our carpets are cheap and replaceable. I am also thankful that Tim did the cleaning up. ;) Still, it was gross.

Now that I am done I feel like a nap before thinking about what the heck we are going to have for dinner. I hope we have enough stuff for Texas Hash....I think I have everything but the green pepper...but I can leave that out.

Oh and yesterday we went to the Pet Expo at the Alliance Center. Pluto was an Ambassadog, and I tagged along for the heck of it. There wasn't that much there...I hate Cat People...but I did get this wonder lint removal thing. Three things for only 26 dollars that is always sticky. You remove the lint with water and when it's dry it is sticky again, all with no residue. It's amazing. I cleaned two blankets last night and put them in the pet free guest room. I can't wait to delint/fur other blankets and stuff.


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