Tuesday, May 18, 2004

So I just put some nail polish on before I start to clean the kitchen to "kind of" protect ye old nails from heavy cleaning--so I am going to update while they dry. Tonight we may have a couple coming over to check out Gypsy. Tim hasn't been online all day, so aside from the phone call this morning to ask if it has been alright, I haven't gotten any news. I hate it when he isn't online...and I might be getting fairly addicted to having my family online too. Yahoo wasn't working on my Trillion so I downloaded the version and BAM, four out of five brothers are online. Cool.

I am going to switch web space providers in the next few days...much more space for less money. I have been having to deal with a pasley 50MB for 15 dollars a month. Now I can get all the same kicks and screams for 10 dollars a month, hosting up to three domains with a mind boggling 1000MB to work with. Then I think I could start having archives, and I can definitely put more pictures up...er rather keep them around longer. Which brings me to Week in Pictures...I got them. I just haven't had time to download them. Perhaps tonight I will do it. So a little late, but it will be there.

When is it going to be sunny again? Sure this rain is good and all, but I think a equal proportion of sun should only be fair. I got a few letters the past week or two from Serena, Jen, Mom, Frank, Scifi Kim and ...I think that is it. I have some writing to do! Not just fun letter writing, but I need to get work on real writing. I think I am going to take Jen's offer of proofreading and looking it over since Tim isn't doing jack shit to help. I will have to email her about that...it would be cheaper to just send the files online instead of print it out and sending halfway across America.

Last night we saw Lost in Translation. It was okay...it wasn't worth all the hype about it though. I love Bill Murray and he was great in the movie...and it was a great travel brochure to see Japan...but over something was missing in the movie (more than just the two tourists searching for their soul).

I hurt my foot this past weekend. The lady instructor at the TKD place said it might be a strained tendon. Suck! It feels slightly better than yesterday, but walking the dogs last night really hurt. I hope it goes away by this weekend. I was looking forward to dancing.

Oh and the Xbox...oh man. You know you can do this thing where it copies tracts from CD's to make one mega ... mix CD type thing. Okay, it's like MP3's except my surround sound system is MUCH better than my crappy little computer stereo. I think I put close to 130 songs on it yesterday and part of today....my brother Shane said that it can hold up to 500 songs on just one file and it doesn't bother the playing of video games. I guess it must have alot of memory. Tim, of course, is suspicious. When isn't he?

Well the nail polish is dry, the kitchen and bathroom aren't clean, I need to go shopping later, and think of what we want to eat and what I can carry back on my bike, find time to write, clean the cat boxes and avoid getting another headache....this weather has given me such problems in the cranium.


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