Thursday, July 29, 2004

Someone come over and make me some coffee.  That would be good. No make me a latte or some fancy pants drink, that would be even nicer.    Last night I went to Music on the Square with Laima.  They had an opera singer or two there and I wanted to go and hear how that would sound, outside in that sounded great.  They also played one of my favorite classical peices for the second half.  Awesome.   Wow, that place has changed in four years.  Now the streets are filled with camping chairs and I swear there were more people there than  I have ever seen.

Eh. Losing interest in this post. I am going to go and make my own boring coffee, and work some more on a barrette and watch some more morning videos on VH1  and MTV.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come out to the southwest and we'll get a 64 oz cherry coke fountain drink. Oh man!! I think I am going to get one myself right now..... It's so hot here (but its OK cuz its dry heat).
later - cedro

4:44 PM  
Blogger hadjare said...

Funny that you say that, I am still drinking a diet cherry coke I made myself at Target. They have these syrup dispensers that you can squirt into any old fountain drink. It's awesome! Although mine was only a 32 oz, but I did refill it before I it's probably more than that.

5:08 PM  

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