Tuesday, August 10, 2004

The finale to Outback Jack is on tonight! WOo... I am rooting for Natalie (that Marissa is obviously painted evil by TBS for a reason right?). Not that any of it really matters now does it? Man did you see his "house" on last weeks episode? This guy is fucking loaded. Hell, if it weren't for my darling, *I* would have participated in this show. Of course, I'm not rich, nor am I city girl.

Yesterday I dug carrots out of my pathetic garden to make room for my squash. Whilst digging out a carrot I jammed the dirt into a nail so hard that it bled. That should count for something, when you bleed for your garden. It feels better today though. Next year I am just going to either go for flowers and plant like ONE vegetable type thing...probably squash. I like how it grows, and how it tastes when it is done growing.

It's such a gloomy day that I insisted Tim give me a ride to TKD. Tomorrow morning I have an appointment with microsoft word and a typing test for a cute little job. I hope I get it, it sounds like so much fun. In order to not jinx myself though, I am not going to talk about it.

Now I am going to go light more incense, clean up the kitchen and close the windows. It's so chilly in here. Brr.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What? Today was the perfect day for being outside. I spent ten minutes outside trying to figure out how to replace a wheel on the stroller before giving up though. Maybe tomorrow. Fucking strollers.


9:07 PM  

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