Tuesday, November 23, 2004

I am a failure today. Don't ask why because me just complaining about it compounds the failure because I will have failed to prevent myself from becoming a whiner. Sigh.

I am self medicating with cookies. Even they are a failure. Cakey. Who likes cakey cookies? Gah. I had a feeling that would happen though so I made them with margarine instead of butter. That means, not only am I getting 1/3 less the fat, but the cookies will be crunchy. And of course the are brown on top instead of light golden because I don't have any pans that will brown them just so. They are all "dark pans." I should just buy or find some stainless steel ones. This teflon stuff is for the birds.

Tim called it Frankerizing them. After my step dad Frank who used to always make pizza's "golden brown" because he left them in too long.

Yeah. So.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet the cookies are good with milk.

And I'm right there with you on the teflon pan front. I need a pan that I didn't buy from the damn grocery store, that's what. Maybe target has stainless steel pans. Hmmmmm...


9:27 PM  
Blogger hadjare said...

Yeah if I could drink milk straight up without getting violently ill, it would be awesome. Still....it wouldn't have erased the cakiness of it. :P Damn. I'll just leave them out overnight and hope that magic cookie fairies will fix it.

11:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should put new cookie pans on your Christmas list. Homemade cookies sound good, even if they are cakey and golden brown. Mmmm... cakey.

11:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like cake-y cookies! bring them on over to steinhauer trail! mmmm... cookies.. if i wasn't at work right now, I think I'd have to start baking a batch of cookies right now...

5:39 PM  

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