Sunday, November 07, 2004

Whew! The backyard lawn is up to date -- raked, sticks all picked up and mowed. Thank god that is over. We will have one more rake job to do when the last two maples drop all of their leaves but the bulk of the work is over. Man, I am looking forward to that chili for dinner. Except right now I am too pooped to make it. In a bit, besides the frozen ground turkey needs to thaw. Next weekend we are going to tackle the gutters. This week I need to make curtains for the bedroom and then weatherize everything. I don't think we need to use the outlet insulators...anyone want them? We have twelve.

What else? Yesterday we took our little to see The Incredibles. It was a good movie -- my favorite part was with the the Mom in the jet and the kids were seeing their Mom in action! It was great. Ty'Quan squirmed a bit...he liked the action scenes but over all it was probably a little more teenager/adult orientated.

I bought a new filter and air supplier thing for our aquarium. Wow, it's amazing, I had forgotten how it was supposed to work because ours was SO gimpy and pathetic. Now the four birthday fish and all of Waldo's decendents should be happy.

We went out for after work beer at the Weary Traveller on Friday (that place is neat! I really like it. It reminds me of Chicago) and afterward went to The Great Dane in Fitchburg for Chuck's surprise party. I have a picture...eventually I'll put it up. I checked with Madison's social planner -- Matt and decided that the Christmas Party will be held December 11th. Woo! I have lots of things should be fun.

I saw Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen today while working on a new collar. It was total teenage fantasy. Nice crap to watch while doing something else. I have Scratch (based on Bert recommendation) and Endless Summer Spotless Mind whatever left to see. I heard it was good...I hope it is.


Blogger zoey said...

we washed massive amounts of dishes, vacuumed the floor, bert cleaned the CD "laser", and i loaded 3 hours of music onto my iPod. oh yeah, i bought cookies too... sounds like we were ALL productive today. good job Laura & Tim. z

8:53 PM  

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