Monday, October 11, 2004

Three down and three more to go. Tim offered to give a collar to Danette -- one of the big GPA volunteers that dogsat our last foster - Gypsy when we went a camping. She really loves to spoil Annabelle and I can't think of a better person to start word of mouth for my collars.

I will take pictures of them this week. Promise. They are pretty cool.

I remember the first movie I ever saw on VHS was Superman. Ahh Christopher -- is it because he played Superman that this ironic fate befell him?

I am drinking instant coffee this morning and it feels like I am in the UK again. Ahh the English and their strange taste for instant coffee. Okay okay, we all know it isn't because they LIKE instant coffee -- it's because they all drink tea and leave the crappy coffee for the visitors and what not. It is an acquired taste -- I'll grant you.

This weekend was mellow -- went to a Open Firehouse with our little and he got to ride on a fire truck and shot a hose. We got to eat free hot dogs and popcorn. Afterward we stopped at the Kerry/Edwards campaign headquarters to get a yard sign however they were only giving them to people that had called ahead and reserved them. Apparently the demand in Madison "is overwhelming." The woman gave us a window sign instead and suggested that we could make our own yard sign out of it. Ha, one rain and it would melt. I ended up putting it in our window instead. I also got two buttons and Tim donated some money. I kept one of the buttons and asked Ty'Quan if he knew who the candidates were, he answered with their full names. Then I asked him what candidate he would vote for and he said John Kerry. Dude! Obviously I gave him the other button.

Later on that night we went to a Sushi Party at Laima's and made sushi rolls. Tim even ventured to make one -- and it wasn't too bad. Came home and played some X-Men after I almost got sucked into watching Desperate Housewives, before going to bed. Sunday got up and worked on dog collars while watching Gia and EverAfter (again...), took Pluto to the dog park -- man he loves the colder weather! I haven't seen a greyhound with that much energy for a long time since...uh...last year. He is such a winter dog. Came home watched Charmed and Frankenstein (on TNT)--- I was disappointed with it. It seemed like it was nothing more than just a pilot for a series. Too many questions were left unanswered and too many plot points leading off to nowhere. I would like to see it as a series -- there isn't enough supernatural stuff on TV right now.


Blogger zoey said...

i want a sushi party! when the house is finally finished you guys MUST come & teach me to make sushi. :) z

2:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Instant coffee always reminds me of my trip to Britain too. :)

11:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how'd it feel when you finished those dog collars? [i'm assuming this is something you just started making and not a return to an old, dormant skill...] we're supposed to make two matched hooks for one of our first real projects in blacksmithing and i got about 3/4 toward finishing my second one on friday - and it was pretty cool. the design didn't turn out looking exactly like the way i imagined it in my head since i should have used bigger stock... but it's still a pretty cool feeling to look at 'em and think: "hey, i made this!"

i'd forgotten how that feels; making a good pot of chili or something isn't quite the same thing, is it?

what's up with everyone putting yard signs up for the election?! i was just talking to my mom yesterday and she said they just picked a bunch up, too - and my parents almost never put signs up in the yard when i was a kid.

this election really IS polarizing and energizing the nation, isn't it?

of course, i just got my REPUBLICANS FOR VOLDEMORT stickers in the mail, so i suppose i'm no different. too bad it wouldn't really show up in a thumbnail picture of the pickup truck, or i could use it as an icon on livejournal!

[this was phil, of course]

6:50 AM  

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