Friday, December 03, 2004

Guess who confessed to finding one of his christmas presents this morning? If you guessed Tim then you are right. I had gotten him new socks and he wanted to wear them today and ... well he got to wear a pair. What a stinker! At least I said he couldn't wear the *really* good pair.


All the animals were bastards this morning. Every single on of them. When I woke up I had to take some pain meds because now the top of my mouth -- by the sinuses are starting to hurt.

I went and played scrabble last night and won both of my games! Woo. And they say I was drugged up. Ha whatever. IT only feels like being woozy for a hour after the first twenty minutes. Then it subsides. Sarah's place was awesome! So cozy and comfortable. I wish I could have had some of the lasagna...but the apple crisp goody stuff that Ryan made mushed down was good.

I am off to work on more christmas cards and watch morning videos. This is day three....this and tomorrow are supposed to be the worst days.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You rocked at Scrabble! I think the drugs freed your mind rather than handicapping you. So although you rock at Scrabble anyway, you tromped me even harder than usual.

Thanks for the compliment on the house! It's been hard work, but we love the place.


10:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, too, think that the drugs probably helped you. The next time, if there is a next time, I play Scrabble with you I'm going to load up on oxycontin or something. Thanks for including me in the Scrabble group! Chuck and I were wondering who won in the A-league game. See you soon.


2:41 PM  

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