Wednesday, August 10, 2005

DH is in bed, maybe sleeping. BIL Phil came over this morning with nephew (why is it that Kandi -- Phil's new bride's, son is just nephew -- when his step dad is my brother in law...shouldn't that make him my nephew in law? Weird). Anyway, he drove us to the east side Unity clinic whatever to have DH's wisdom's extracted. Phil sat in the waiting room on call, while Caleb and I played cards out in the bigger waiting area. I drank two cups of free coffee and he had a cup of oversweet tea. He taught me how to play speed today! Woo. I showed him how to play memory with cards -- he didn't quite catch on to the whole black black idea ... so we just played with any matching number/face card. It made it alot easier. I have to remember he is only seven.

When I retrieved DH from the recovery cot I had to laugh because he looked stunned. He just looked like a stunned chipmunk.

We stopped at Woodman's to get some pudding, ice cream, applesauce, coco wheats, whip cream, sherbert, soy milk, diet clear soda and juice. Then later to Walgreen's to get his drugs. Man, they gave him 30...count them....30! oxycodine pills...while I got only 12. I am beginning to feel like I went to back alley to get my teeth removed last October while DH here gets the royal treatment. Shoot.

He's napping now -- I am gotta get ready to go and fight. Blast, it's hot out there. At least I don't have to cook for the next few days -- I mean making coco wheats isn't exactly hard. :) and I love coco wheats with brown sugar and whip cream. :D We have three movies: the extended Return of the King (which means i want to watch all the other ones first right now....), Below, and National Treasure.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i don't know if i told you this already but, when i got my wisdom teeth out i was kinda goofy and childlike - i especially remember how hap-hap-happy i was when erin asked if i wanted to stop on the way home and get some ice cream. "yeah! i want cinammon flavored. oh, boy!"

then, when my painkillers wore off, i kinda turned into a bitchy little baby. i don't remember how many oxy-c's i got but i do distinctly remember how much i disliked the fuzzy way they made me feel and the dread i felt at the idea of getting addicted to them, so i didn't use them for much more than the first couple days... and then i got an infection in my sockets, which was even less fun.

but the really hilarious part about getting wisdom teeth was how much more of a total crazy dickhead my nice brother jeff got when his were removed - apparently, he was surly as hell, shoving away the nurse when they were wheeling him out of the hospital. and then, a couple hours later, the doctor called to see how jeff was doing on account of his odd behavior at the hospital. and while my sister-in-law is on the phone, jeff wakes up and -half zonked on painkillers- starts howling about how they're spying on him and he's gonna kick their asses if they come near him with more pliers and drills and... well, if you knew how polite and reserved my brother is the rest of the time, you'd probably find this as amusing as i do.

7:44 PM  

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