Monday, October 03, 2005


Oh so sick. :(
How can this happen? I was just sick a month ago -- to the day. Yesterday was pretty crappy, and today I woke up feeling good (like you always do when you manage to get sleep after a crappy day), but that wore off quickly. I did manage to shower and eat some dry toast though. Then when I was sitting on the couch DH asked "Why don't you just call in sick?"

"Because I have responsibility,"I muttered. "I hate it. If I wanted a job with responsibility I would get one."

"So tell them that, or your gonna simmer all day!" he replied.

"No," I said "It's not that big of a deal actually. Just some questions and stuff I don't have answers to anyway."

Then while DH went to buy me cold medicine and diet coke, I called in sick and then said I would email them. I mean, why should I get worked up about this? I can barely talk without sounding muffled, and my thinking seems like it could be straighter.

Ugh. We have a foster dog (picked up last night) named Chatty. She is living up to her name -- she is a LOUD whiner. It sucks. It really really sucks.


Blogger Hilary said...

us too. you probably caught it from the kids. sorry! It doesn't seem like a bad one though.

12:52 PM  
Blogger hadjare said...

Nonesense -- this is a bad cold. A sucky bad one. It also seems to be going around, and I probably got it from some strangers grubby hands.

It's inevitably sometimes.

6:51 PM  
Blogger Hilary said...

okay, you're probably right. We're all pretty much feeling better. Sucks to be you! ;P

8:15 AM  
Blogger zoey said...

blah... poor you. :(

unknown bioterrorists...


5:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

took me a little while to realize your were talking about sick as in 'feeling ill' and not sick as in 'grossed out'. Hope you get better soon. those dogs love you.

5:54 PM  
Blogger hadjare said...

Thanks! I have a feeling the dogs love TIM way more than me though. And treats...the love treats.

7:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, I think there's something really virulent floating around, combined with a bad allergy season...I've recently had a bad sore throat and a 102 fever, hacking juicy coughs, endless runny nose, etc. etc. Dave's had a similar thing recently, and so have my coworkers and even friends and random LJ users I hadn't been in personal contact with beforehand. So I don't think I'm the Typhoid Mary.

I hope you feel better soon...and you should call in sick from work without shame. I did last week, and Dave did this Monday. It's virulent, I tell you. You need the rest, and your colleagues will probably be grateful for less exposure to any possible bugs.


7:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Er, two weeks ago, I mean, for calling in sick. Last week was fine and fun.


7:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

indeed its going around, its even out here in NY. No sooner did we get over a cold, another one hit, and it was a nasty one! Even Richard got it (and thats rare)
At least you don't have lice. The one oh so fun thing about having kids in school, at least once a month we get a notice coming home, that SOMEONE in their school has lice. Knock on wood, thus far, none of my kids have had them, but just getting the notice in their backpack is worrisome enough!

7:48 AM  

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