Thursday, November 10, 2005

I have been having back spasms. How does one stop them?

I am kinda lazy today ... so laze = meme (this ganked most recently from James)

Total Yes = 45

1. smoked a cigar - yes
2. crashed a friend’s car - no
3. stolen a car - no
4. been in love - yes
5. been dumped - yes
6. dumped someone - yes
7. taken shots of alcohol - yes
8. been fired – yes
9. been in a fist fight - no
10. snuck out of a/your house - yes
11. had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back- yes
12. been arrested - no
13. made out with a stranger - yes
14. gone on a blind date - yes
15. lied to a friend - yes
16. had a crush on a teacher- no
18. seen someone die -yes
19. been on a plane - yes
20. thrown up in a bar - no
22. miss someone right now - yes
23. laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by - yes
24. made a snow angel - yes
25. played dress up - yes
26. cheated while playing a game - yes
27. been lonely - yes
28. fallen asleep at work/school - yes
29. used a fake id - yes
30. felt an earthquake - no
31. touched a snake - yes
32. run a red light - no
33. had detention - yes
34. been in a car accident - yes
35. hated the way you look - yes
37. been lost - yes
38. been to the opposite side of the country - yes
39. felt like dying - no
40. cried yourself to sleep - yes
41. played cops and robbers - yes
42. karaoke - yes
43. done something you told yourself you wouldn’t - yes
44. laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose- no
45. caught a snowflake on your tongue - yes
46. kissed in the rain - yes
47. sang in the shower - yes
48. made love in a park - I plead the fifth
49. had a dream that you married someone - yes
50. glued your hand to something - no
51. got your tongue stuck to a flag pole - yes
52. worn the opposite sex’s clothes - yes
53. Been a cheerleader – No
54. sat on a roof top - yes
55. talked on the phone all night - yes
56. ever too scared to watch scary movies alone – yes
57. played chicken fight - yes
58. been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on - no
59. been told you’re hot by a complete stranger - yes
60. broken a bone - yes
61. had a 3-some? - No
62. dipped snuff? - yes
63. lived overseas - no
64. Ever passed out/fainted? - yes
65. blown bubbles in the wintertime - no


Blogger Hilary said...

ahh--that's why you were asking about blowing bubbles in the wintertime...

10:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the rule for these memes should be that people need to explain their short little answers. For example, "made out with a stranger - yes." Tell me more!


7:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH! blowing bubbles in the winter is so neat!!! You have to do it. When its really really cold go in your garage and blow bubbles, they freeze before they hit the floor and when they pop its like breaking glass in slow motion.
My mom showed me that trick once.


2:13 PM  

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