Yesterday I had a glorious mini retreat. I decided to treat myself to a nice lunch, all by myself and some cards at a sit down resturant on State Street. After looking at every single resturant ON State Street, I ended up at the mexican grill resturant called Frida. I got a twice baked chicken burrito with the usual smattering of rice, tomatos, refried beans and lettuce, and well as the chips and salsa opener. WOW! I totally expected typical mexican food but this was...good. There was something about everything that was exceptionally flavorful and delicious. I scarfed the burrito and the chips. Then I decided "Hey, Laura you are having a blast. Why don't you go the extra step and get dessert and coffee?"
I did. I ordered it without looking at the price. I got the chocolate fudge cake -- it was amazing. HUGE piece that I immediately cut in half to put in a togo box for the DH later on, and then tried to eat the remaining half. I only got a quarter of the way through it, it was incredibly rich delicious. After I paid the bill I looked at the price of the cake -- $7.00!!! I have never paid more for a piece of cake -- but man was it good, and big so the experience was lengthened.
Walking out of the resturant I headed to my favorite State Street store -- Ideal for You to shop. It was nice to feel like I could shop and not feel guilty about it because it was for a wedding gift. :D
Last night was mellow -- had a beer, played X-Men, shopped at Menards for window insulation packets, came home turned on the heat and then went to bed. I slept in this morning and it was WONDERFUL! nice. My goal this morning is to clean. The house is less clean that I would like it to be, and since we are going to be out of town tonight I want to come back to a nice place. There is nothing like that feeling of coming and saying "ahhh...home."
I am kinda bummed I get to miss the Madison Zombie Lurch this afternoon at 2:00 -- but we have prior obligations. I hope a lot of people go and that a lot of photos are taken. I hope they do it again next year.
So far today I have washed the dishes -- I still have four pots to go, but everything else is washed. I also made breakfast and coffee, and showered. Now I am updating this -- all part of the morning of cleaning, see. Next up is to sweep and vacuum, light some incense, straighten up the flat surfaces in the living room, wrap gift, pack and pet the Migo kitty.
eh, I have to buy some of that window insulation for my own daunting massive oh-my-lord-thats-all-window? window. (You remember the picture window upstairs.) I was told the biggest kit they have will go half-way accross. Sigh. It's inevitable, no matter how hot the furnace is, your always going to freeze to death sitting by that window without plastic and drapes. Good thing is, there is always leftover double sided tape which is so handy in an art project marathon. Ill help you do your windows if you'll help me wash and insulate mine. I'll even make chocolate cake for free. Pretty good deal huh!? Oh! By the way, little gossip for you. Kari is buying a house and they close next month...nice house, all redone, wood floors, new walls, brand new kitchen, new appliances...very nice. She wants me to go with her tonight to pick out new dishes. Bubbass wants all new furniture and stuff before they move...
what's the madison zombie lurch? 'cause it sounds like a bunch of people dressing up as undead and having themselves a little ol' parade through madison... which sounds pretty fuckin' cool!
not because i'm a huge zombie fan [although they are tied with nazis and aliens as the best things in the world to shoot in an FPS-game; screw monsters, DOOM!] but because it sounds like the kinda thing that would take place in Teenagers From Mars, this really cool graphic novel i read a couple months back. and also cause, while i'm not a huge zombie fan, it would be cool to dress up like some undead shambling horror with a bunch of other nutballs and stagger around going "Uhhhhhhh....."
cause i just don't go in for that fast zombie crap, either. that makes 'em too tough and scary for me.
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