Today is Tim's first day of work at his new job. I hope he likes it there. I *really* hope he likes would better than great if he did. However, the crappy thing about Tim's new job, is my new method of commuting to work == the bus. Normally not a big deal (at least coming home), and the ick of bus taking in the morning is helped by the fact it's only two blocks away -- no the extra blah part abotu the bus today was the fact it was pouring kittens and puppies.
Raining is always an awful way to start the day. Then once I go there, I could only do a little bit of work because we had our "special talk" with all the office mates. You know, the one where there are problems and this is an attempt to make things work? Yeah, one of those. It didn't get far by the time I had to leave -- in fact it had just started to get good...but...I would rather be home and away from all that. At least for the afternoon and next day. I like part time jobs.
The Craftmas show .... eh. I mean, it was our first one, we did were nervous and all that jazz....but we did make a great display. I think our prices were reasonable (very), and we had a great location. Overall, there just weren't that many people who showed up. Who knows what the reason was .... but in the end we did make enough to cover the vending fee -- but my Mom's magnets sold the most and without that we would have been screwed.
I am glad that I am another show THIS weekend -- the Warner Park Community center Craft fair. They are using the whole building and I think I'll do alot better at that one. I am going in on it with the Laimabird -- and she has awesome stuff. This one is only one day, and thank god for that -- I can have the Sunday to myself.
One thing I realized though, is that I do have enough inventory -- at least for this one show this weekend. So I am not going to kill myself by making any more. Another thing I realized after getting on Saturday - -was that I have oodles of free time to put towards other things. After taking a nap, I immediately started knitting a new scarf with this uber soft yarn I got at Target for only 25 cents.
Tomorrow I am going to work on making invitations (or tonight) and I am going to sew winter coats for Pluto and two turd burglers (that we will probably have through the end of this week). That brings up the baby news....
Sarah and Luke had a baby boy, 7 pounds 11 oz on Thankgiving day. Our new nephew's name is: Zeland Paul. Yes, like New Zealand. ;) Except, no "a". I think. Don't quote me on that -- she had a C section, which is why she was stuck at the hospital longer than all the leftovers we have would have liked.
I have a whole untouched pumpkin pie in the fridge. Tim froze the rest of the turkey, and I made a turkey casserole last night ultizing the stuffing, taters, turkey, gravy -- only added a can of cream of celery and some mixed veggies. Maybe having so many leftovers ISN'T such a good idea after all. :(
I have my brown belt test at the end of this week. I don't know how'll I get there or how I will do -- right now I don't think I'll do that great. But I know I am ready for the test -- I just don't feel very physically with it...I guess that's what the holidays do you.
Tim and I bought our first pair of winter boats this past weekend. It's crazy to walk around in the snow with reckless abandon. I mean...usually I have to secure every footstep (you know how you can have sealegs? I think that applies to snow too, and walking in mixed snow/ice). In fact, I wore them to work today all day -- I think I might not do that often though. They get awfully big, heavy and warm the longer you wear them, especially inside. I'll have to do that office wench thing and bring myself a pair of shoes to change into.
Well, I am going to go take a nap now. I have things I want to do -- and I need to distance myself from work. Sleep seems to do wonders for that distancing things. When you wake up from that nap -- or any sleep -- it's like starting anew.
It's not office-wench to bring shoes to change into when you need to leave your snow-sodden boots in the coat closet. But it's totally office-wench to wear sneakers to work, change into heels when you arrive, change back into your sneakers during your lunch hour so you can get some brisk fitness minutes whilst walking to your fattening lunch-spot and back, change into heels for the afternoon, then change back into sneakers for your trip home.
~SECP, executive secretary but never an office wench
p.s. I very much enjoy my magnets, both Hilary's and yer mom's. Would have bought more, but for my suit-buying expedition with Dave.
yikes! i'm on the verge of office-wenchdom...!!! i have considered purchasing some penny loafers to leave at my office. i'm getting tired of wearing white sneakers all day... there is no way i am going to wear anything other than sneakers on my 2 mile walk to work though...
zoEy -> office-wench-candidate
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