Monday, February 27, 2006

It's really cold out side. I forgot to wear a hat today because I got rides to everywhere I needed to be except for the ride home. Well, that isn't exactly true because I did ride the bus, so really my work gave me a ride home, but still. COLD! I was even considering wrapping my head in the awesome Zoey scarf, but it's more narrow and long (great for neck wrapping) but not so much for head wrapping. I let vanity get the better of me and just walked faster. At one point though I had to put my gloved hand to my left ear and hold it to prevent it from falling off.

Even Pluto didn't want to be outside for long. Who can blame him? Gah. I hear that it supposed to be almost 50 one day this week. I can't wait for that day to erase the snow and just be warm. Plus, unlike last time it was warm I was sick...this time I won't be. Because you know, I fired sick. No more of it for me (at least for this year).

I guess I have been rather slack in updating. I don't know what my problem is. I should make another mini resolution to update more least for awhile until I have assauged my guilt. Yeah. Good idea.

Today I babysat Nephew. You can tell he had a weekend with the grandparents because he didn't want to be put down. No, instead he just wanted to be held (facing out) and feel asleep. Luckily I was able to devise a sitting solution where I was able to write and hold him comfortably. After that I went to work and actually stayed pretty busy until it was time to go home. I am glad, because today felt like a Monday. Normally I don't think of Monday's as anything special. Just another day, and possibly the most forgotten day of the week (next to Tuesday). However today I work up with sinus pain and a headache and over all tiredness and blah. My feeling was more like "just put your head down, one foot after another and get through it." As opposed to my usual approach which is "Another week has begun."

When I feel like that about a day I feel kind of bad for it. I mean, it can't help it was like that and that everyone was like that (running late, tired and not up to par). I bet if was everyone's last day on earth they wouldn't think of it as just being a Monday. No it would be special. Possibly one of the most special days ever.

Alas that wasn't today. Although it was a day that I posted something. :D

The weekend was good. I went rollerskating on Friday with Tim at Fast Forward and got only one blister after skating around in circles 100 times. Saturday I was invited over to Sarah's to visit. She made tea, little flower shaped sandwiches, tarts AND a huge cake. I had the biggest slice of cake since I was 13 and it took me all afternoon to eat it. Sarah sent me home with cake where it was devoured the next day. Ahh. Cake. I took advantage of Sarah and Dave's hospitality and accompaniend them to the Inferno where I only intended on staying an hour. Of course whenever that happens I end up having a great time, so ended up closing the joint with them. I like those Inferno times, they seem so rare these days. I actually danced a lot too! I am sure glad that all my random dancing around the house whenever I am inspired has kept my dancing skills as sharp as ever.

I wonder what it would be like when I am in the afterlife and reviewing my life. I am looking forward to putting a montage together of my dancing styles from little to old. I'm sure I'll laugh way more than I'll cringe.

Sunday I watched movies all day -- Clockwatchers, Merril Peirce (and old movie with Joan Crawford and her spoiled daugther), Spanglish (pretty good) and then Friday night's episode of Battlestar Gallatica with Tim. I also caught the ending of Grizzly man (talk about crazy!). Then it was an early bed to with us and that started this day.

I even got lots of letters done -- three. That's awesome! I feel like I have been so behind lately on those letters. I still have a bunch more to catch up with, but since I have readopted my own letter writing advice of -- just write something...I have been able to get more out. I got caught up in wanting to write novels, and letters that would win academic essays -- those letters aren't fun. Well, I suppose they COULD be, but really a letter in itself is extraordinary because it's a letter.

I think the flea situation is under control -- so of course as soon as that thought enters my head I think we might be conned into taking care of some more fosters. This is more of an emergency really, so I don't feel bad about it. I'll just try to remember and let Tim do all the work. ;) Actually, I am thinking I might be able to swing this in my favor and say he can do it if he cleans the bed room. Yeah...what an awesome idea! I am gonna tell him that now.

I'll write everyday this week. I have some pictures to put up too -- but that may or may not happen. It depends. IT always depends, doesn't it?

Okay to give myself a little guidance -- tomorrow I will talk about my family. Yeah...good idea.


Blogger Hilary said...

ooh, what a good idea...coming up with tomorrow's topic in advance...I like that.

10:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I remember the days when your mom's obsession with Micheal Jackson rubbed off on you and you were dancing "Moon Walker" at some purple and white kiddie dance we had at school...uh times.


2:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you could come over on Saturday! It was really good for me to sit down, craft a bit (even though my card was unsuccessful), and simply *talk* with a good friend for a couple of hours when I've been so stressed out. And I'm also glad you and Tim enjoyed the **!GIGANTIC CAKE!** It was quite the experiment, and my most advanced baking project ever. It was fun having you around.


9:03 AM  

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