Thursday, April 06, 2006

On the Today show this morning they showcased a new workout trend called Masala Bhagra, and it looks like SUCH fun. I would love to take that class if they offered it here in Madison. Now I am inspired to listen to my Lagaan music.

I have lots to do today. One I need to crank out some writing, for the writing group that a friend and I started. The first assignment is technically due next Monday, but I get the feeling that everyone in the group is anxious about their writing. As a the born leader I am, I realize that people need a little boost. Usually that boost happens when someone else does something first. Breaks the ice. Gets their swimming suit wet. To be honest, it is one of my big secrets in persuasion -- if you want folks to do something, they are far more likely to do it if you start doing it first.

Anyway. I am just as nervous and quite sure my writing is pretty crappy, but you know what? It's only the first exercise and crappy writing is better than no writing at all. Besides it makes people feel better.

Okay so. I need to do that, post in all my blogs, write a letter (done!), shower/dress, clean the living room and kitchen -- we have a lady coming over tonight to take a look at Laddy the Foster Dog. If she likes him, then she is taking him tonight and Laddy is on his way to a forever home. Ahh, I like Laddy, I think he deserves a good home. but that means I need to finish writing his spec sheet.

Sheesh, lots of writing today.

I also wanted to stop at the library to make a photocopy, then off to walgreen's to drop of a roll of film I have had since Thanksgiving (before I got the digital camera), which would entail that I ride my bike over to the gas station with a few quarters and fill up the tires.

Oh I and I have to walk the dogs before TKD tonight. I wonder if it supposed to rain sometime today -- I have a feeling it is.

I am feeling pretty good about myself today. I am creative. I am vibrant. I am inspiring.


Blogger Hilary said...

and you LOOKED great, too! Thanks for coming out for coffee last night.

7:58 AM  

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