Monday, June 12, 2006

Awesome! Father's day isn't until THIS weekend. Cool. I can look like the perfect, ever loving daughter then to my two dad's. :) Thanks for the heads up dudes.

On Sunday I woke up to sleepy dogs scattered about on the bed, and not a single kitty to be seen. Tim was up early feeding the herd and getting ready for his Sunday morning skate park trip when Oliver called to cancel. Not a half a minute later, Tim was back in bed and sleeping.

At 10 ish, Tim woke me up by saying "See you later, I am gonna go eat breakfast at that Four Star Restaurant."

Of that woke me up right away. I want to eat breakfast there too. "Four Star?" I asked.

"Yeah, we don't have any milk, bread..." he started to list.

"Or eggs, or ..yeah. I dig," I sat up, reached over to pull on a yesterday's skirt and declared myself ready to go.

Off we went. It was a beautiful Sunday morning. We passed the farmer's house, the first house built on in the neighborhood back when the land was a farm, and saw that they were having a garage sale. Tim said the front door was open and it looked empty. I saw a shelf that I wanted and mentioned that I would stop on my way back home.

The food was cheap - two full breakfast's for only 10 bucks! Awesome! The shelf and lamp I ended up getting only cost me ... well the price was $1 for the shelf, and $75 cents for the nautical lamp. I asked the family if they were moving and the grandmother said yes. She was moving to California to live with her daughter, that the house was too much to take care of. Her son came out later and said they were going to put the For Sale sign up next week. I asked them how much they think it would sell for, and guessed 200 at least. I mean, this is a BIG house, two car garage, big yard...they even offered to let me into look around but I declined. I mean, if I did that then I would want to buy the house. Instead I thought of how perfect it would be for Hilary. Heh. :)

The bookshelf was great, perfect for the books piled on the floor beside my bed. The only non-perfect thing was the earwigs that came with it. UGH! I had to do a complete bed check to make sure there were no earwigs waiting to bite me when I was sleeping. Some kid had built this bookshelf -- there is a name and date on the bottom, and some hand carved "art work" on top. It totally needs some nails to re-hold it together, but for's perfect! I love it.

After that, we got Pluto ready and drove out to the Alliant Center for Mounds Dog Fest. Man there were alot of dogs there. I saw a dog that I want: the Alaskan Klee Kai. Tim said they are are rare though...I wonder if I could find a cat friendly one. I am convinced there is a dog out there in the world for me...but maybe I won't find it until I am old. It will be some Reader's Digest quality story about the unlikelihood of us finding each other and probably how the dog will reteach me some valuable lesson or emotion.

Later that afternoon we went on a shopping hunt. I wanted some v-neck tshirts, and Tim needed some polo shirts (for work). Well, Tim's goal was apparently easy to finish because of boring Father's Day presents (clothes) were everywhere AND on sale. My goal, however was nigh on impossible.

Apparently America hates for women to have sleeves. I had this same problem three years ago when I tried to find a dress that had sleeves that didn't look like a boxy 80's garment, or that an old woman would wear it. I guess I have this problem now with shirts. I found several crew neck T-shirts with decent length sleeves, but I hate that look of having a tank for a chest. I guess when you make the shirt a v-neck you have to cut off the sleeves to resemble little sleeve guards. Sleeve puffs. Wanna be sleeves. Sleeves are NOT long enough when they show your armpit if you raise your arm above your head. There is no reason, on god's green earth, why they can't make sleeves a little longer. The only luck I had in finding this was in a women's polo shirt -- and trust took several of those for me to try on.

I searched for three hours and found only two shirts. And I don't even love, love them. They are adequate. There are not many women that can pull off a tiny little sleeve t-shirt look. I am sick of women wearing these ill-fitting, inadequate clothes because that is the only thing that is offered. I was really, frustruated by the end the of trip, so much so that I just wanted to go home, and thus forgot to buy my Mom's birthday present.

I am not even gonna get started on why there is an acute shortage of long pants. What if I don't want to wear short pants? Huh? Fucking A.


Blogger Sleep late... dream more. said...

ah-ha! that's why you weren't around yesterday afternoon when I biked over to say hello. i didn't have any paper/pen with me so i couldn't leave a note. maybe i'll try again sometime later this week.

12:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stock up on fitted V-neck T-shirts with 1/2 or 3/4 sleeves when I can find them. My boob-waist ratio is one of my better features, so I don't want to hide it beneath straight-fitting boxy tees. I've had good luck with L.L. Bean and Eddie Bauer...they usually carry black even in the summer, and rich colors in the autumn and winter. They're not always cheap, though.


6:02 PM  
Blogger Hilary said...

I found great v-neck sleeved shirts at target this spring and was going to buy one in every size and color. I only bought one though and I'm glad because there's this tag on the side that I have removed mostly, but can't seam rip out because of how it's sewn there it is on my side scratchy scratchy. Good story. The point is yeah...they are hard to come by.

10:58 PM  

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