Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I bingo'd yesterday with Laima over at DeJope. I totally lost, but at least I didn't loose lots of money and I had fun. Bingo is surprisingly fun! Thank goodness we had a few helpers across the table from us give us Bingo pointers, and Laima is quick on the draw.

Oh she didn't win either. But we are both winners because we had FUN.

I got another free week ahead of me, with Tuesday and Thursday off. WOO! I have a lot to do today.

1. Go to post office to send the package I have yet to package for my Mom.
2. Tai Chi at Monona Terrace at Noon
3. Possiblity sparring with Legion tonight (I wonder if he is back...)
4. Walk the dog.
5. TKD
6. Well, it felt like there was a lot more this morning and possibly even ten minutes ago. :P
7. Research vacation ideas.

What are those vacation ideas so far? Our brainstorming session yeilded:

Alaska: cruise, flight, or ferry
Visit to Washington State (to do what though...)
Puerto Rico
Virgin Islands
New England
Bed and Breakfast tour (Can be combined with these various location trips)
Niagra Falls
Adventure thingie
Universal Studios.

The one we really want is Alaska, but I think we might not have enough time to do anything good. :( It might have to wait.


Blogger Unknown said...

I hear those Alaskan cruises are really nice, and an organized cruise would keep you busy. That would be my choice, ever since reading "Bold White Stranger" I've wanted to go to Alaska. Isn't the Salmon run going on soon?

2:24 PM  
Blogger Sleep late... dream more. said...

go to Thunder Bay (on the Canadian side of Lake Superior). I hear it's a neat-o art town AND you'd be near the middle of nowhere for camping. hmmmm. maybe you don't want to be in the middle of nowhere?

I say go to the library - get that book of insane roadside attactions and figure out a road trip to see things like..... the world's biggest ball of twine, thw world's biggest bra, the world's only ______, etc., etc.

OoOoOoOo --- ask Jen about her haunted trip down south with Ben! and then figure out your own haunted road trip going from spooky place to spooky place in the geographical area of your choice!

Just pack a bag and a tent and head out with the only goal being... to find 'the best' of something like the best reuben sandwich or the best drive-in movie theater.... and to do it without looking at a map --- so see where the wind takes you! (although you may need a map to get back home....). ok. scratch that. no offense intended but i can't really see your DH being OK with just driving around based on "OoOoO! that road looks like fun - turn left here!"

By the way..... there's a lot to do/see in Washington state, however, I'm at work so I guess I'll write more about that later.

8:22 AM  

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