Sunday, December 17, 2006

Actually, I do like the beta blogger...I haven't had nearly as many problems with it, as I did with the old version. So change over!

Man, I just got home from a shop-a-thon day! Whew. Our last stop was Borders where I got myself a Christmas present - World War Z using my 30% off coupon. The line there was HUGE at least 40 people in it easy. They had to make an announcement telling people that it wasn't actually that long because people were leaving. Whatever, it was a long line.

I tried making the nutz today, and ... I burned half of them. I used a dark pan, and ... they burnt. The temperature was too high, the pan was too dark = nasty nuts. :( To top it off, Tim said the ones that weren't burnt weren't even that good. Damn. Hilary said cooking nuts was touchy business...I guess so.

I also realized I don't have any sugar, so there is no baking to be done. Well, I do have some sugar and gingerbread cookie mix (since I can't seem to make ginger bread on my own -- even with Sarah's awesome recipe card). I could use that since I have oodles of powdered sugar...but quite honestly. I am a little tired, and kind of want to just veg. I got a medium cup of awesome coffee at Border's so I can't take a nap. Plus I do want to sleep tonight so a nap is probably a bad idea anyway. I guess I'll just wrap gifts and see what's on TV.


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