Monday, December 04, 2006

Okay, so I won't make up for the previous days missed this month, because most advent calendars only go for 24 days anyway. I am going to do my best to do it all the way to the New Year. I think I did this last year too, if I am not mistaken.

This morning was hard to get up, upon finally dedicating myself to the task, I tried the "read something in bed to wake up" method. It worked only a little, but I did stay warmer longer. I had instant oatmeal for breakfast because I have decided I hate fruity pebbles or their knockoff. It's too sweet and gets soggy too fast. Who the hell likes soggy cereal?

Tim complimented me today by saying "Darling, you're a good wife."

Aww. :)

Edit: Okay, the name for this is: It's WiDeBloMo month! (Wisconsin December Blogging Month). I have just recruited Hilary to the challenge -- check her out at: Sabonai to see if she keeping up as well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

if youhave regular oatmeal around the house, here's what I reccommend (which in my opinion tastes WAY better than the instant kind):

Step 1 - Using the oatmeal/water proportions on the container, put water on to boil. At this time add some fresh minced ginger (how much depends in your taste - I add anywhere from half a teaspoon to almost a tablespoon depending on how much ginger 'kick' I want that day)
Step 2 - add oatmeal and cook until done (usually ~1 minute)
Step 3 - put oatmeal in a bowl and add some honey, some nuts (almonds or walnuts are my favorites) and some chopped apple
Step 4 - ENJOY!

Optional - using chocolate milk instead of water in Step 1 also makes some pretty darn good oatmeal.
Optional - in step 1, add some dried fruit. Dried cherries make for a particularly delicious oatmeal....

8:01 AM  

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