Monday, January 22, 2007

Because I was asked:

Dresden Files - eh. I need to give it a little more time before I decide. It's already formulaic, but I can deal with that. The first show is always a little rocky. Besides it's on Sunday and I don't watch anything in particular on Sunday (except the 4400 -- which isn't on right now). So I guess I'll watch more. I do like the concept though.

Battlestar Galactica - It was good, but of course I am bursting with questions of WHO D'anna recognized. It can only be three choices: President Roslin, Gaius, and Sam. Because she seemed to be a little astonished at WHO it was, I am inclined to believe that it is NOT Gaius. After all she just saw him seconds ago, why would she say "You?"

I also think Dualla is going to be the one to kick it.

As for who discovers Earth? I have no idea. Starbuck? Guh. What's with the destiny thing? I am kicking myself for not recognizing the Eye of Jupiter from the "painting" she had on her wall from her old apartment, but not too hard, because that was like...what? Two season's ago? Who remembers that stuff?

Balance Ball - it's good. I actually am just going through the book that came with it. It's a pretty good book with great step by step photos, and explanations. There is also a DVD, but first I am going to go through the book. I like getting a feel for all the exercises and then creating workouts for myself. Actually I was going to do the abdominal one today, but I didn't get around to it. I had a headache after work, then had to walk the dog, then watch Heroes and now waste a ridiculous amount of time online. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh boy, if Dee kicks it, it's all on me. Seems as soon as I start getting over my former dislike for a character, they are a goner. It happened with Ellen, then with D'Anna, and now you're thinking Dee.

I'm sure the good folks at SciFi closely track my preferences in developing their plotlines.

Seriously, though, what about the cauliflower??? Can I just toss it in a casserole frozen? Thawed? Not at all? I MUST know. We had BLTs for dinner last night, but with fakin' bacon, and avocado instead of lettuce. BATs? Hmmmm. Bats for dinner again, honey? Yeah, I need to learn to cook.

9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and I wonder about my balance ball, if maybe it's too big. My husband got it when his knee was messed up, and he's about a foot taller than me. I feel like I'm trying to stay on top of a whale when I use it. How big is yours?


9:32 AM  
Blogger Jen said...

I wasn't wowed by the Dresden Files, but I liked it enough to watch it again. I like the subject matter of magic/monsters/demons ect.

I'm still betting that it's Sam who is the cylon. I'm not sure how that storyline would go though. Maybe Starbuck would wack him like she did leoben.

I think that they have to kill off Dualla otherwise Starbuck and Lee are in flux.

12:29 AM  

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