Pluto is being incredible whiney the last few days. I think he's pissed that Innsmouth keeps hogging the couch. Sometimes I move her ...there I just moved her to the back of the couch and babydog just hopped on. GAH! He has spring fever something terrible. Speaking of Pluto, he just finished his second round of antibiotics and is due for a trip to the vet for another xray. :( I'll get Tim right on that.
I spend the majority of the day working on a project I said to myself that I would do for the past three years. I went through the majority of my digital camera pics, chose the ones I wanted, uploaded them to Kodak and bought them. They are having a sale that is 10 cent 4x6, unlimited quantity until April 3rd. At first I did only half of them because I was getting tired of it, but the shipping and handling was high enough to convince me to finish the bulk of it and most the most of the purchase. So I did. I am now expecting over 600 photos to arrive on my doorstep in the next two weeks. I am not even going to think about what I am going to do with them once they arrive, but I was getting so sick of not having any physical copies of photos, you know where you sit on the couch, or on the bed and just look at them? I was just getting more and more piled up because I didn't want to order any new prints if I still had three years to catch up on. SO. I am mostly caught up - up to November 2006. I am excited to be mostly caught up, but mostly I am proud of myself for finishing a "Big Goal."
I watched The Color of Paradise tonight...and it was so good. The story telling techniques were fantastic, touching, just right, not overboard....
I did think about going over to Laima's for artnight, but I wasn't feeling too hot all day. Next week (if you have it again) I will definitely be there.
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