Sunday, July 01, 2007

Well the domain thing resolved itself. Good. I felt a teeny bit better but realized the mood was still there. I took a shower, put away all the clothes and cleaned up the bedroom, scrubbed the bathtub, toilet and sink. Did the dishes TWICE today, cooked three meals --breakfast was egg and cheese mcmuffins with fruit bowl, lunch was a cashew curry with rice and fruit bowl, dinner was hamburger pie and a jello type dessert. I also cleaned the kitchen, worked on more crochet, watched the 4400 and earlier tried to take a nap. It all made the time pass but my mood wasn't helped. :(

[Potty break -- bacon bit was jumping on my bladder from the inside! (as opposed to the outside, I know). I had to go for about a 1/2 an hour and all of a sudden it felt like my bladder was being poked...I have since relieved myself and it stopped. Dang, Bacon Bit's can be so demanding sometimes!]

Also I think I have heartburn. But it's not a burning feeling... it's a pain in the middle of my chest behind my sternum. It's sort of off and on all day, and for the last couple of hours it's been on. I guess when I think of burning ... well I think of burning, not pressure/pain in one stop. It feels like there is something there and if I hit my chest hard enough it will go away.

I watched the end of Titanic after the 4400 and was just astounded at how young Leonardo looks. He's looks like a teenager! I mean, seriously, he's quite a bit different looking now than he was then. I sort of like that. I liked him in the Departed, and I like that he has aged his age (and is still good looking).

Well, I suppose I should go to bed. I have to work tomorrow and Tuesday. Sigh. Work schmerck. Tension is running high in the office and I hate that. Oh crap, I almost forgot I have to go to a stupid meeting with the printer dude tomorrow to discuss a problem that has no real solution. I am only doing this because my coworker thinks it's important, and .... sigh. It's a pain in the ass and quite honestly goes beyond the realm of an LTE. Really, it is. I don't even know what bus will take me out that far. I guess I should wear my comfortable shoes and put that printing thing in my bag in case I forget it tomorrow (which I mostly likely would). Nutz.


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