So I figured out why I got that headache -- the temperature was in the process of dropping 20 degrees and it was gonna rain all day on Monday. How do you like that?
Today was a very productive day. Together the DH and I cleaned out the guest room and stacked all my stuff nicely on our new shelf downstairs. We are sorely tempted to go out and by another self because it's so freaking nice, easy to put together and heavy duty. Too bad they are 60 buckeroo's would make things even nicer downstairs .... I might feel a splurge coming on.
Speaking of splurges...I gotta tell you. I really really want an xbox 360 so I can play Halo 3 with my sweetie. I also want to get BioShock. Why do they have to be so freaking expensive?! Sigh. Tim's birthday IS coming up....and we could just combine our xmas presents to each other for this....oh decisions decisions. I wonder if this is Bacon Bit related...I don't normally get obsessed with wanting something like this. I can usually wait until they are cheap.
Anyway. So in addition to emptying a room full of crap, I helped tape a little, did two loads of line dried laundry, dishes, took a shower and got dressed, went grocery shopping (which started to be very painful because ...well the crotch pain just gets worse as the day progresses and the more I walk and am on my feet), brought the food home, put it away, made dinner which was tatertot casserole tonight with a root beer float for dessert. I am just very tired now and am actually thinking of going to bed after I post this. Who knows if I will fast asleep before 10 or 10:30 or if I decide I want to read more...but do it in bed... I don't know.
I do know that I am tired and I have to work tomorrow. Oh crap..I should put the food away too. :( Maybe I'll pull a Tim, and go to bed without doing it so that he will do it. Plus, my bladder is getting poked and it's sort of uncomfortable.
Oh I forgot to mention, Bacon Bit got a package today! It's a snowsuit set from Finland! If anyone knows cold...those Fin's sure do. It came with mittens, booties, a hat, a thick sleeper type thing that can be used for cooler weather or as a liner to the heavy duty snow suit. It's super plush, thick and warm! It's sort of a light blue with parts that are brown and pink striped...totally NOT PINK! Here are some pictures of it:

I tell you, there is a lot of freaking pink out there. The finnish government sets up new babies with a complete care package of everything that baby needs. I have a friend who is now expecting her second child, and offered to send the first snowsuit our way since she is going to be getting another one (and the first kid grew out of it). How cool is that?
I wish the US would do something cool like that....check out the all the gear Finnish babies get this year (notice how it's nicely gender neutral? And not all pink for girls or all blue for boys).
Wow, those lucky babies! The Finnish government is so thoughtful. Next they'll be dropping off casseroles.
All I got from my government for Ruth was a social security number, and then a "Welcome, little one" Hallmark card from the Governor with a vaccine record we can fill in. You'll probably get the same card.
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