No, no Bacon Bit today. I, just now, debated with myself "Should I have a fourth peanut butter with hershey kiss (what do they call them... ah peanut blossom)?"
And then I said to myself "Hey you are only going to be pregnant for less than two days now. Go on, eat that cookie!"
I did...and it was delicious. Wow...tomorrow is the last full day of being pregnant. this whole thing just flew by! Well, it did after the whole level II ultrasound and positive on the quad blood scare. After that 20 week mark, I feel like we were able to relax and sort of finally enjoy things.
To think, that there is a little baby inside just waiting to get out. I haven't talked to the Bit. We talk about the Bit, but I can't .... just can't talk to my belly like it's a person. I think I need to see the Bit in real life. Hold a baby. And then it will finally connect. Yes, I know logically that there is a baby...but ... I guess, well maybe you know what I mean.
I don't know if St. Mary's has a fully stocked fridge for the husband/family. I did see that Meriter did though. I spent the day baking/cooking/grocery shopping today -- so I think Tim is set. I made rice krispy bars, peanut butter blossom cookies, root vegetable au gratin, southwest corn chowder, and I got some more granola bars, some summer sausage, some roast beef lunchmeat (for Tim) and some german dark wheat bread so that he can have sandwiches.
My neighbor came over to visit me while I cooked so I had a good two hour chat with her (hence no earlier post). Then I went to pick up Tim, came back and took a shower, finished making dinner, ate dinner and started playing video games and crocheting.
We think there might be a mouse under the fridge. The cats have been taking turns standing watch. One day that mouse will screw up or leave. Right now Arkham is on watch. The one nice thing about having cats is that we don't have much of a rodent/pest problem. I trust these little buggers to do their job. If not ... well then'll be fired.
More tomorrow!
If the roads aren't too terribly bad tonight, I'll stop by to drop off some cake-y gumdrop-y pumpkin pie like cookies tonight so your DH has some *more* sweet stuff to eat tomorrow :)
PS - your blog is being annoying about comments.... I always have to type the word verification and my password in twice because it doesn't want to accept it the first time. arg.
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