Sunday, March 02, 2008

A few things:

No Oliver, I won't abandon my blog for Facebook -- in fact I bought two years for this domain as opposed to just renewing it for one year at a time. Let's face it, I am addicted to blogging. I was ever since I read my first "blog" by stumbling upon this Australian kid's back in 1999. I was inspired to do my own and in fact in the beginning days would update a websites manually without the fancy blogger program. Eventually I did discover blogger (thanks to that same kid...I wonder what ever happened to him?) and the rest is history. :) In fact, I used to print out pages of my blog as a written document but quite doing that after a year or so. I wonder if I even have those anywhere still..I am sure I do. I just don't know where. One day I would like to get the whole thing printed out and keep it as a massive diary -- but I don't think pictures will be included in it. I don't think it works that way. Anyway. Rest assured my drivel is here for the world to read. :D

A sidenote about Facebook -- I have now reconnected with 5 long lost friends -- it's incredible! One of my younger brothers just joined too and I haven't really had a chance to talk or communicate with him in forever! It's just amazing at how I've discovered so many people I thought I would never speak to again.

Sarah - I think we are going to end up getting a stroller. Thank you for the recommendation. Maybe even this month -- I guess it depends on when it finally decides to stop snowing. To be honest, it didn't even occur to me that one could bring the stroller into the library and that might be a nice thing...

Today, I woke up and discovered that it was 50 degrees outside! You know that means...another walk! So we tossed the Bit into her light Finnish snow suit, packed her up in the Daddyroo (ha ha I love that nickname) and set out for a walk with the dog. It was much windier than last time so I am not completely sure that Morella enjoyed it as much. Though there was less fussing than last time. An interesting side note to that, the Grandparents mentioned that babies don't like the wind in their face because they gulp the air. Huh...Tim did say that she gulped a little bit. I guess I haven't noticed because I haven't had her on me when we went for a walk and they are always walking ahead while I have to drag the dog along and fight with him over every possible sniff spot.

Morella was a little angel today. Energetic, happy and overall a nice baby. Yesterday was another story. We decided to really tackle Morella's case of the Mommy and have Tim spend time with her. She fussed most of the morning and wasn't taking bottles easily, but by the evening she and Tim were getting along great! Then we went over to visit Uncle Phil and Aunt Kandance (who gave Morella an adorable set of baby ballet slippers and some cool clothes for when she is bigger) but she cried most of the time there. I had to finally step in and feed her to make sure that she ate her last bottle of the evening, but handed her off again afterward. She did eventually settle down a little to sleep ... but she fought it like the dickens. I think to keep this up, Tim is going to have to feed her at least one bottle a day and maybe take over her night time routine which is medicine, getting a sposie and jammies on. Then I take her and put to sleep.

She is SUCH a sweetie (to me) -- it's easy to make sure she gets other people time since I know I get her all week. She's becoming so much more interactive. Other Morella notes:

--she is gurgling less (Tim noticed it) so we think she might finally be outgrowing her laryngomalacia (floppy larynx). That's great, now if her reflux can get better we might really have a good chance of her passing her next barium swallow study set for April 2nd. She has exactly one month to finish healing and get over this...I can't wait for her to drink a normal bottle of just pumped milk instead of the fortified goopy mixes.

--I bought a hand mixer for making these bottles and ... what a time saver. We both wonder how we got along without it. This purchase inspired me to buy a pill eater...uh one of those little things that shaves off pills from sweaters and coats. It's amazing -- my coat is going to look like brand new when I am finished shaving it. We also have some sweaters that need some TLC.

--Morella's grandparents visited today and watched her while we ran some errands. We got a Chicago style dog, a brake light, lots of curry mixes and rice for Indian food from the Maharaja grocery, dog food and then we went out for a drink. At first we tried Genna's but they don't open until 8 -- so we went over to the old Fashioned. I had the most delicious drink ever a warm apple cider with a splash of peach schnappes...oh my ... was that ever good. I think it's going to have to be served at our next holiday party.

--After errands we came back to a old world crock pot dinner of kielbasa, sauerkraut, potatoes, apples and a beer to bring it all together. (there were onions, brown sugar don't want the recipe why I am going into such detail..). We also used the bread machine to make a mix of Wheat Bread I had in the cupboard. The bread turned out okay -- it was a bit airy. But warm bread drenched in butter is always delicious. ;)

--I am so glad that I am down to 5 pumps a day, but I am really looking forward to dropping down to four. I might wait until she is five months to do that, so only a month and half to go. It has gotten a lot easier dropping to this number and maintaining a 40-43 ounce a day supply. We are saving LOTS of milk. Before we had gotten to far into our collection I did unfreeze one and do a taste/smell test with fresh milk vs frozen milk and they were both the same. Thank goodness! I don't know if I could handle having to scald milk every night in addition to freezing it, pumping it, storing, making bottles -- etc. It just amazes that some people think pumping is the easy way out of breastfeeding. It's twice the work and then some!

--uh oh, these were supposed to be Morella notes...whoops. Okay -- what else. Oh Morella is sitting on our knees very well. I can now sit with her at the computer desk and while we are eating. She has a very straight back and only needs a little support to keep her from falling sideways. She is also reaching for lots of things (including my dinner plate -- though it's just to touch I don't think she's actually interested in eating yet). She reaches for her book at the diaper station and she is constantly batting and helping me turn pages when I read her books in the morning. Speaking of which, we need more books. I think weekly trips to the library might be in order (as a field trip) and for some new reading material. Once we get that stroller then we will even be able to walk to the library...oh..that sounds great.

Morella's tummy time is much better she is getting much better at supporting herself with her arms, though she is not yet at the stage where she can push herself up with her arms.

Uh, I am going to stop now. I need to go wash pumping gear and start pumping. I would like to be in bed by 11.30 and catching some zzz's.


Blogger Unknown said...

Hm, yeah, your in laws are right. It's not so much gulping air as it makes them gasp and hold their breath. This is good in some ways (like for infant swimming lessons where they have you blow in the the baby's face to get them to gasp in air before slipping their face into the water), but it can be bad if you let it go to the point where they pass out. That happened to Dean once when Libby wore the carrier out into the snow to shovel, before she knew it, she noticed he was hangling all limp and she realized he had passed out from holding his breath. It gets better as they get older, but it is an issue you need to watch. Some babies are worse about it than others. Blow in Bits face and see what she does. When she gasps and kind of holds her breath you can see what we mean. I suppose it can be uncomfortable and is probably a factor in why she cries on walks yet. I usually keep a blanket over their faces when we go out. I know you probably want her to see and look around, but its more comfortable for them. maybe jut carry her so she's facing your chest instead of facing the wind...that would make a big differnce.

8:44 PM  
Blogger hadjare said...

Wow -- good information to know! I wish I could carry her facing in, but she hates that -- she hated that from almost the getgo. She will cry until you hold her face out so that she can see the world.I do actually blow on her face a little when I am giving her medicine to make sure that she swallows. I guess I didn't think of the wind.

1:10 PM  
Blogger Amanda said...

Courts in Ethiopia close from August1-October 1. It's because of the rainy season.


1:17 PM  

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