Friday Photos: Last Week of April and 1st Week of May
This past week Morella has really gotten into her toes, playing on the ground, and one of her favorite games is to put stuff over her face and wiggle and kick until you "find her." I decided to carry my camera and take photos of the stuff she hides behind. Click on that photo - "stuff on Morella" and then when it comes up in a new window, click it again to get the big picture.

Lastly, Tim lost the car keys and we spent pretty much the whole morning looking for them. I finally found them later that afternoon...

OoOoOoOooooo... my favorite "stuff on morella" is the one with the green frog!!!! :)
Ellie loves to eat her toes too... if she's in something that has feet on it (like footy pajamas), she LIVES for diaper changing time when her feet are FREE and she can chew on her toes for a few blessed minutes! Abby's starting to do the same thing!
Ah, you didn't keep us waiting this time! I love them! What program do you use for your collages?
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