I know, I let you down with no Friday Photos...but I can do it today or tomorrow. Yesterday was really busy. Morella and I squeezed in a little garage sailing before we rushed downtown to meet a friend for lunch. We get there, order out take away food and she canceled. So I took our food and went to Cha Cha salon to see if Sigrid was around. Sadly she had just taken her lunch and we missed her. I decided to make a hair cut appointment while I was there, because if I am going to do this short hair thing I want to try another style before I let it grow out again. I now have an appointment for Wednesday at 6:00. I wonder what I will do/get.
Anyway so we left and went to the capitol to sit on the lawn and eat my tuna fish sandwich, maple donut and cheesy cauliflower soup - and Morella had her bottle. I took her out to sit on a receiving blanket and realized she lost her giraffe toy! Nutz. I later back tracked and couldn't find it anyway. I bet it was ganked almost as soon as it fell out. :(
You know I had packed up the receiving blankets. They weren't actually that useful to use when Morella was a baby because she didn't spit up, and she didn't like to be swaddled. It was when summer came and I needed something light to drape over her lap to protect her from the sun that it came back out. Now I don't leave home without one! I think I am going to treat it with bug spray because the mosquitos are out in full force. I got bite twice while I was doing dishes in the same spot just a half an hour ago. Why do skeeters have to ruin a perfectly good summer? All that rain we got isn't going to help matters one bit.
After I we were done eating, I walked down State Street to Goodman's Jewelers to get my rings resized. Yes, my hands just got meatier after Morella was born, but lets be honest folks -- it was headed that way for many years. Hands just seem to get thicker the old you get. Both rings are going to adjusted a 1/2 a size for a total cost of $84 dollars! I was like "Can't you just stretch it out?" and they responded "Heck no! We add gold because we don't believe in compromising quality! And for the record we will have the setting to your gems checked and it will be spiffed up." You know the cost of my gold wedding band was only $130! Geez. But that was ten years ago and the cost of gold has increased the past year.
I then headed home to put Morella down for her afternoon nap. She only took an hour and half nap, but that gave me time to work on my Mom's overdue birthday present of a scrapbook. I tell you, I have no idea what I am doing with that. I am just decorating pages...so far I have three done, and like a 10 more to go. Oh well, it's the pictures that matter, right? I just find it ironic that I have all this scrapbooking stuff and really little idea on how to use it. It's one of those things that on my list of things to learn.
So after she got up from her paltry nap I had to feed her quick, fit in a quick pumping session and then head out to meet up with Oliver and Tim at the Harmony Bar and grill for afterwork fried food. Ugh, I had so much fried food I was thirsty the rest of the night. Morella had a blast, and she was admired from every end of the room! Maybe she's so attractive because she is so active, engaging and alert. She's always moving around, on someone's lap, looking around ... she is not a lump in any way shape or form.
I dislodged my stuffed self from the table, plunked Morella in the car and headed home so that she could eat dinner and go to bed.
I was so tired I had no energy to do anything other than watch three episodes of Dexter.
Today we got up, ate, took a long morning nap, and then got up and headed out to the zoo for their big fund raiser Feast with the Beasts. I met up with another woman though the group Hipmama's Meetup Group and we talked a while. Then Tim and I sort of split to get some food and a drink and sit under the tent. We ran into Eric of Nulldevice and his inlaw's/nephew and said hello. Then we left, picked up veggies on the way home, I had to pump, Morella took a nap, I did the dishes, washed the counter, transferred the simply thick and I still have to put the veggies away!
But I thought I would take a moment and explain why I haven't done Friday Photos yet. Also, you know I didn't have anything to offer because I hadn't taken any photos until Friday.
Ahh it was nice to sit down and chat -- but I want to sweep the kitchen floor too before Morella wakes up.
Are you still planning to come up here in early July? If so, do you think Morella would like a long-term loan of Ruth's giraffe toy? I am sure she would be willing, for her friend Morella.
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