Monday, November 17, 2008

This month is a big bucket of suck. I am 95% certain I have a case of tonsillitis. The last time I came down with a case of this it turned nasty fast, and this one is proving to follow after it's ancestors. I shouldn't be surprised considering I was surrounded by ENT's and have a bad habit of chewing my fingers. :( Hopefully I can get in to see someone about it tomorrow. I might as well pick up a yeast infection kit at Walgreen's while I am at since antibiotics and that go hand in hand.

Then today when I was going to the library to pick up a book I had ordered (New Moon) I hit a squirrel! I stopped afterward to see if I had hit it and it was jumping around in the middle of the road. Then a blue transam came after me, and stopped waiting for it to move, then as it decided to drive around it the squirrel jump up and the car hit it too. On the way home I saw that it was dead. My first road kill.

The third sucky thing today was that I accidentally put the tea kettle on the stove to heat up water and then realized later that the kettle was looking really dark red. I went in and saw that there was no water in it and it was melting! I didn't know that tea kettles could melt. Sheesh. So that tea kettle bit the dust. At least the burner still works fine. Tim, Morella and I went to Target to buy a new one this evening after dinner. We also got her a hat set with mittens. I didn't really need the hat but they didn't sell mittens She picked out a monkey hat.

She was in a pretty good mood today despite me being a bad Mom and not changing her diaper after she got up from her afternoon nap. I guess I didn't think it would be that freaking soaked because she hadn't peed all morning. So she swam in a bucket of pee for maybe an hour or two.

Tim is packing all his stuff up for his trip tomorrow. Why do I have to get sick while he gone? Why do the communists have to storm the castle? Why can't things NOT suck for awhile!

Also I couldn't find any weeble wobbles at Target. I really wanted to get her some for her birthday. I guess I could look around some more. I also bought her a green striped T-shirt that Tim says is "boyish". I guess girls can't wear green. :P I promised to pair it with a pair of pink pants or something. But it was on clearance and she needs long sleeved shirts. I also got her a pair of brown fleece/cotton pants. I figure the brown will be a nice pair with all that pink and won't show crawling dirt as much.


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