Friday Photos: State Street Xmas

Ann, Noah, Morella and I went to the Children's Musuem yesterday -- wow. That place is awesome. It's the PERFECT place to take a kid like Morella in the winter there is so much to it! Sadly, it's also the first place she ate dirt. :P Ann was kind enough to include us on her extended family membership and so we can go for free! How cool is that?! I think we are going to go once a week this winter -- at least Morella and I are. It also means we have free membership to any children's musuem around the country.
After that we stopped at Michealengo's for a snack before hitting the Capitol to see the giant Christmas tree decked out in handmade ornaments from school children around the state. We ooh'd and ahhed and watched the train going round and round the bottom of it before going to Capitol Kids to use a gift certificate from our friend Oliver. We spent way too much time there, and I finally got Morella flash/drum thing. It's cool. SHe likes it...well as much as she likes anything these days.
----Hours later ----
This post is taking too long to write. Morella is handful.
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