I know. It's been almost a week! Geez, I wonder what I have been up too. Hm. Let's think about it.
I woke up with a headache. I ate breakfast. I started to throw up and tossed cinnamon toast crunch into the garbage disposal, bathroom sink and finally the bathroom toliet. I then laid on the ground in the living room in headache, post barfing, super tired misery and let Morella crawl around me. Tim reminded me of Baby Book Time and I told him he should take her. I honestly couldn't see myself getting the motivation to get both of us dressed and to the library in an hour. Tim then decided to up his Spa day ante, and took the day off from work to help me! He then packed her up, and took her to Baby Book Time and made Morella and I the envy of the book group. You just *know* that that most of the other women there were like "My husband would never...."
When he got back he told me all about how the other women helped to make him feel at ease, offered advice on letting Morella roam around (great, I thought to myself later...I really am the one that *that* kid) because they "were used to it." Apparently Morella also fell at one point and Tim told her to just "Shake it off" which earned him a couple chuckles on that's such a Dad thing to say. He said someone else commented "And rub some dirt in it!"
Ha ha. It's funny. I asked him if they thought he was new, but he said that everyone seems to remember Morella. Well, that's good. Meanwhile, I took his advice and got off the floor and moved to the bedroom to lay down and take a nap. I woke up later feelig slightly better -- still headache though. In fact, it is pounding as I write this. It would be so easy to just stop now. But instead of stopping, I might just get sloppy. I hate going too long between entries because then it's so hard to tame the thoughts in my head. The rest of the day was uneventful. Morella took a three hour nap. I took a 2.5 hour one. Got up, and Tim took a nap while I made potato soup, udon noodles with red curry sauce (from a jar), and boiled/peeled eggs.
This weekend
We went to Chicago to visit our friends Eric and Kate, and then have a nice long play date with Mike/Rachel and their son Henry at their place. It had snowed over night and it was hard to get around...and want to get around in the cold and snow, so it was perfect. I stayed in Saturday night with Kate and played Mario Party while Tim and Eric went out to visit with an old friend. Sunday, we stopped at Ikea on the way home and I lasted about an hour before needing to stop and eat, and the Morella lasted an extra 10 minutes before melting down. We were there total about two hours. I suppose that isn't too bad.
Overall, it was a very nice, relaxing weekend to get away and break up February. Just think guys, next Monday we are in March territory!
I got lots of reading done, breakfast was made for us by the very capable and nice Kate, and their dog found a life long friend in Morella. Who, btw, now knows to brace for face licks when a dog approaches.
I have been getting pooped very fast lately. I'm a little worried about how on earth Crouton is ever going to be born. I was in awesome shape with Morella and that took almost 24 hours with three of it being solid pushing! I can't even pack up our stuff for 10-15 minutes or shop for longer than 30 minutes without getting really winded, stomach jabby pain and needing to sit down. I am really hoping that come spring, just taking lots of little walks or something will help build up my endurance. BUT...I noticed with the walking that we did do this weekend that my leg pain has really returned. It's not gonna be long before I have to sit down to put my pants on.
Taking this into consideration, I may also have an opportunity to watch a young baby (2-3 mo), 1-3 times a week ... but for the whole day. We are talking from 7.30 or 8:00 in the morning until 5:00ish. I already told her I wouldn't do it past August, but she seems willing to give it a go. I just feel so conflicted. A part of me says "it's just a teeny baby..." but then the other part of me says "You'll be housebound, you don't have a seperate area set up for naps, you don't have a bouncy chair, etc to put them in...and you can barely keep up with Morella for one day how can you do it?"
I just don't know. The extra money would be nice for a downpayment on a minivan...but then again we don't desperately need the money. I would be doing this more as a favor for the woman than anything. Should I just try it for a week and see how it goes? Or just be honest about my worries? Or ... gah. I just don't know.
I really wish I had something good to eat right now. Like a cupcake, a twix or something. I'm gonna go lay down and read for awhile. I am totally addicted to this book Sarah lent me called Elantris. I can't stop thinking about it! It's one of those cases where I am going to really sad when it's done. Then maybe later I'll play a little Dynasty Warriors with Tim instead of cleaning up the house. :P
Morella has her 15 mo appointment tomorrow. I wonder if she gained weight...he thighs look a little more toddler like to me, and she is starting to enter that akward phase between babydom and toddlerhood.
Overall, this day couldn't have been done without Tim. He's my superhero right now.
Go Tim! Matthew dealt with loads of sexist crap when he stayed home with Leah. Strangers would ooh and ahh over Leah and then say, "Where's your mommy?"
One potential upswing to a difficult/tiring/taxing/insert-descriptor-here pregnancy is that labor and delivery may very well turn out to be the easiest part of the whole 40 week adventure. At least that's the thought that settled my mind while puking through pregnancy #2. ;) Best wishes.
I'm currently the one with "that kid" at library storytimes, too. Ah, well...we can't help that we have energetic, curious, comfortable kids who like to move and explore, right? I keep telling myself that...and I keep hauling Ruth back so the other kids can see the marker board, or so she doesn't fall off the teacher's stool in front of twenty other parents.
I'm glad you're liking Elantris! I'm enjoying my wonderful package -- esp. the truffles, OMG. And *how* did you know I've been needing another magnetic shopping list? I've been jury-rigging regular pads onto the backing of my old magnetic list with a binder clip, but have been wanting to pick up a new pad.
The second baby comes much easier than the first one. Your all stretched out and it just goes faster. You had an epi with Morella too right? I swear those damn things just slow it down. I had an epi with Luke and it was horrible. Rebecca and Emma went much faster. Dont worry if they have to extract your placenta and you decide to go natural, they give you versed and fentanyl--you wont feel a thing. Zzzzz
I would not babysit. I just wouldn't. Wait until after.
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