Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I was going to watch another movie tonight from Netflix, but as it started my husband paused on his way to the kitchen to look at the screen. Once he realized I was watching The Ruins, which had just started, he said "I wanted to see that too." Sigh. Then a little tiff almost started about how I bulldoze my way through movies and no, no it's fine he doesn't need to see it anyway.


I turned it off and ended up watching a Hallmark movie anyway -- and it wasn't even that good. I didn't even catch the name of it. The real purpose was to paint my toenails a nice deep red and hope that it will last a long time, because in the midst of doing so I realized it was much more difficult than it should have been. I later informed Tim that this was the last pedicure I am giving myself until after August. I think that means I will have to have it done by a professional sometime in between? But... you know I am really shy about that sort of stuff. I'll probably just end up trying to get it off myself with some polish remover and hope for the best.

Today I watched my friend's son Cullen for a couple hours. It was a tricky time -- 11-2 (with some of that her being around for) because that is "naptime." Morella was ready for a nap just as they came and was finishing up an early lunch. However company gave her a second and third wind. Times are changing for watching these two kids together. It used to be that Morella would just sort of follow him around the house with a concerned look on her face that he was going to steal the silver. Eventually she would leave him alone and they would do their own thing. This time, no no no -- Morella had to interact. I had to remove the doll stroller to stop them from fighting. Then Morella insisted on giving Cullen hugs and cuddles -- none of which he wanted. Therefore she ambushed him with hugs at least four times - three of which resulted in both of them crashing to the floor. For an hour, I took them both outside to run around and stay out of each other's wispy hair. Both kids got very dirty and I apologized to Hilary later over a delicious toasted sub. Anyway. I'm not sure what to think of this affectionate Morella -- I love it and yet I wish she would do it more with ME instead of other tots, cats and stuffed animals. ;)

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. Morella drooled some more, I picked up around the place and then played with her in her room until Tim came home and I could make dinner. I had been sneaking in a few minutes at the computer when I heard her in the hallway clapping and looking at me. She had been playing her little piano in her room and needed to make sure I heard. It melted me heart, and so I dropped the computer and went to play with her. I colored and she worked on her funcube, and then later the stereo. She also made sure to stand on a few things. She love standing on things and balancing. She's like a little Chinese acrobat.

Oh oh, and at one point I asked her if she needed a diaper. She nodded yes, grabbed her crotch and then ran to the bedroom and started patting the changing pad. I was shocked! I picked her up and she did not utter one single protest as I changed a pretty wet diaper. This never happens! It also seems like she is learning and making up signs for things super fast these days. A short list of signs she is doing now:

--all done (hands like turning a door knob)
--hungry (patting mouth)
--down (pointing down)
--bedtime (blowing kisses -- she picked that up from her grandparents and apparently that means bedtime...)
more - (index finger pointed into opposite palm)
pick me up - (raising arms up)

Tim also said she has a sign for bath - pretend splashing

I think we are going to work on 'drink' next... or maybe the thirsty one? I don't know. Maybe we'll do both and see what she picks up first.

Anyway. Tomorrow is the day for reals...we hopefully get to see if Crouton is a boy or a girl. Tim is taking a half day and the appointment is at 3:00. Crouton sure is active -- right now we are going through the stage where the movements aren't all cute and cuddly. It's the being poked and prodded in my insides...where it feels like there shouldn't be poking and prodding going on. And they aren't kicks as much as s/he is flipping slowly and I can feel the entire movement occur -- which can feel weird. My stomach has gotten a lot harder and Morella has noticed the belly a few times. She seems to like taking care of other babies and her dolls, so I'm hoping she'll be a great big sister.

Okay. Potty and then bed. Look how late it is again!


Blogger Sleep late... dream more. said...

nice post! By the way - did you get the 2 boxes I left on your front steps?

7:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait until later today when you post your Crouton results! You have me right beside you in suspense.

The Morella piano applause story is so cute.

I know what you mean about toenails. I'm hoping to get in one last good exfoliation, lotion treatment, and polish over the next couple of weeks, and hope it'll last until this belly is mostly gone. I'm not too worried about looking good in open-toed sandals because I know my feet are going to blimp up soon and all I'll want to wear is slippers. If I felt like a pedicure but felt shy, I'd probably just go to the nails place at Wal-Mart. It looks clean and bright and popular, I'd assume they're checked for health issues regularly, and you know they must see feet that are a lot worse than ours!


8:02 AM  

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