Look how long it's been? Summertime really has kicked in -- bratfest, visits, bbq, etc.... For now, I'll do a quick Morella post since she had her 18 month check up today.
She got weighed with her clothes on, but taking that into consideration I would say that her weight of 20lbs and 6 oz (5%, but still off the scale for her height/weight chart) is pretty impressive!!! She broke the 20 pound barrier! Wahoo! She is 32.25 (78%) inches long, and her head is ... I forget, but hey it's 25%. Basically, she is back on her growth curve. It's amazing what a few months without major illness can do for you.
Her ears are fine and she is the picture of health. Ahh, sweet girl, thank goodness. Since we are tracking her weight gain she is going to have an appointment in three months instead of at the 2 year mark. So her next appointment is going to piggyback Crouton's two week check up! Can you believe it? In less than 3 months there is going to be another baby girl here and the doctor is already counting on it. That's nutz.
Morella can:
- say about 8 words that we can understand (but most other people won't): what's that, pluto, da da, no, hop, uh oh, hello, and stop that
- knows signs for: down, all done/no more, bedtime, hungry, more
- she can run
- she can climb up her play thing outside, and now attempts to climb most things
- dislikes baths and will stand for the majority of them (usually lasting between 2-10 min)
- loves cats and dogs
- loves stuffed animals
- loves loves loves playing and being outside
- like broccoli, sausage, bologna, hotdogs, grapes, berries, oranges, peaches and pears, sugar cookies, raisins, laughing cow cheese wedges, pretzels, fruit snacks, 8th continent vanilla soy milk, lo mein, fancy chocolates
- likes to go bed at 7:00pm, will sleep until 7:00am
- takes her afternoon nap from 11:30-1:30 or 2:00
- loves hanging out in her crib or on mattresses
- loves dancing
- hates bees
- eats dirt
- gives hugs and kisses (sometimes) when asked
- has 10 teeth in or 1/2 way in
- doesn't like things in her hair
- hates diaper changes
- loves to push buttons
- likes to cuddle in the morning
- likes books -- looking at them and being read too
- loves playing with water outside
- loves those big plastic toddler cars
- loves her purple doll stroller
- eats chalk and crayons
- doesn't like being scolded (even gently)
- turns around in a circle a few times, or runs to find a soft place to land when tantruming
- can use a fork
That is good enough for now. I'll work on catching up through out the week. Today after her appointment and nap, I felt kind of blah. It was hard to get motivated to do anything, but eventually I was able to finish drying and putting away her diapers, go to target, and brave the skeeters to plant a few plants and the make dinner while Tim took Morella and Pluto for a walk.
Dinner was battered fish, steamed asparagus for us, steamed broccoli with cheese/butter, grapes and orzo pasta for Morella, and orzo pasta salad for us.
I'm still hungry though.
I think I might sneak in a small bowl of cereal before bed to stave off the hunger and not eat crappy junk food.
Labels: 18 month checkup, milestones
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