The Best Mother's Day Ever
1. A real card. It was funny and ironic too because last night Tim's snoring was extra loud and vibrating. Combined with a glass of iced tea before bed, I couldn't sleep and so moved to the office to lay on the futon, where I apparently went to sleep right away and slept all night. So the card says "For Mother's Day I got you something you would really enjoy in the bedroom...." and you open it and it has two cotton balls attached inside with text that read "Cotton balls for your ears so you don't have to hear my snoring." AWWWWwwww! Morella opened it for me. She's really good at opening mail these days, that is if I don't care about the envelope.
A side note -- the futon is extremely comfortable to me right now, I think because it provides back support.
2. Flowers.
3. A box of Lindt assorted chocolates.
4. A fancy breakfast that included: a egg/sausage/cheese casserole, french toast, bacon extra crispy and --- "Momosa's" made with sparkling grape juice, orange juice and ice. I told him that is going to be a yearly tradition now. The girls and I will look forward to morning "Momosa's" every Mother's Day and that that they would have their own little champagne flutes for it (probably party plastic ones...).
5. A gift. A REAL, honest to god gift. I wasn't expecting a gift at all -- heck any one of the above mentioned things would have been more than enough. But no, Tim went above and beyond the call of duty and figured out the most perfect gift that you can give a pregnant woman with an aching back and calves....I was stunned. A Massage Pillow.

I have already used it twice today. :D
For dinner, in keeping with my vow to NOT cook today, we had Culver's. They had free small sundae's for Mom. :D I got one and a 1$ root beer float. The sundae is still in the freezer. I couldn't pass up a free one.
Anyway. This has been the best Mother's Day ever. Thank you Darling. I'm really glad that we had that chat, one year ago, on this day, at 6:00PM ish.
Also. Morella went to bed at 5:20 today. She was crabby again all day. She barely ate anything (day two), drank a ton of milk and ... and ... she isn't sick, she has no fever....I thought maybe, maybe there is a glimpse of a top right molar coming in. I would say "Thanks for the early bed time kid," but the night is not over yet.
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