May 2008: Me/Morella, Sarah/Ruth

May 2009: Sarah/Ruth/Twinkle and me/Morella/Crouton
Looking forward to next years picture!
This photo was actually taken a couple weeks ago...May was a really busy month for us. I have the pictures all ready to go -- I did that photo editing on Thursday night. I was going to upload them on Friday but things got away from me. I did end up uploading the Crouton 3D ultrasound photos which you can see in their (chosen by me) entirety here.
Then Saturday, our desktop took it's final breath, completely unexpected. Well, we had been having problems with the video card, but now it won't even boot...it' gets stuck in the start up cycle. That much we know when can see the monitor because of the video card. Than god that Tim got us started on backing up our files a month or two ago because otherwise all those pictures....gone. Anyway. He was able to transfer the web may 09 photos over to this laptop, which I can upload tomorrow. I'll try to do that because you know the longer it takes, the longer it's gonna take.
Sigh. Sucky. So now we are unsure of what we are going to do. Get another desktop ?-- maybe a Dell, we never had a problem with them. Tim is going to try and get another video card and see if he can fix it himself. I guess we'll wait and see. Until then we are one computer household and a laptop at that.
Right now I am in the middle of baking my 3rd or 4th rhubarb pie of the season. This time we aren't sharing it. I have only had 2 pieces of rhubarb pie total! That is totally not enough to get a complete rhubarb pie fix. You need to be able to eat at least 1/2 the pie over the course of a few days to become immune for the season. ;) I have vanilla ice cream too....I'm looking forward to that puppy being done. It smells delicious though. Tim made dinner tonight, curry with parsnips, potatoes, ramps, celery and tofu over basmati rice. It was pretty good -- though I am hungry right now. Must save appetite for pie!
We put Morella to bed early tonight because she was really tired. A 1/2 hour early isn't TOO much. Before bed though I had turned on the TV as a special sunday night thing -- and we found ALF. She was mesmerized. She got upset when commercials came on and wanted more ALF. I couldn't believe how much she was loving it! I guess I know what I could netflix later on if she really needs something to help distract her. I wonder if that is on instant netflix...probably not. ALF....that's just too funny. Nothing else has captured her attention like this.
I am working on another rag rug project. I am going to do that right after I finish this post and watch and episode of Earth (Freshwater is tonight's one I think). Tim has already started it. Having the main computer konk out on us has made him much more .. productive around the house.
Yesterday we helped a friend move. Today was yard work -- lots of it. Mowed the lawn, cleaned the gutters, got our ladder back, planted the rest of the plants, planted a hanging planter, swept the patio, got sand for Morella's new sand box that I scored at a garage sale for only $10 -- it's one of those classy "natural" sandboxes that is a plastic faux brick and a sun design on top. I got playgrade sand today -- plopped Morella into the box and we have an instant fan. :D WOO! I never had a sand box growing up. Morella is such a lucky girl, and so is Crouton.
I was trying to imagine what it would be like next year at this time. I'll have a 10 month old, and a 2 1/2 year old playing out in the yard -- wow. Crouton will be crawling by then, and Morella will be yapping up a storm.
Also on Friday I decided I had enough. I was going to join you ranks of people with dishwashers. I had actually brought it up with Tim the night before about how much time we waste just washing the stupid dishes and wouldn't it be nice to just treat it like when we do laundry. Just get it started and walk away to do something else for awhile then put the finished product away. He did some comparison shopping and in the end we decided on a rolling, full sized model that could be convered to a built in dishwasher later. yeah, so Friday I went to Brother's Main and bought us our very first dishwasher. I can't tell you how much I am going to love it or not because I only ever used a dishwasher once for a summer job when I was 16. I was washing dusty dishes, so I can't even say if it really worked or not. Tim said I need to get some kind of dishwasher soap...geez, I didn't even think of that. What do you guys get? I have no idea. Do I really need Jetdry too? Is there a dishwasher 101 class out there? ;)
Morella has a new word - "baby." Seems like it might come in handy soon, eh?
Okay. Enough talk. I guess those are the main things going on. I'll try to catch up more this week. I hate getting so behind that I don't know where to start. I'd hate to look back in a few years to see what I was doing at this time and not have anything there. You know?
My pie is done!
Crouton looks like a sweet golden angel sculpture in some of those ultrasound photos.
Boy...I hope by the time our May 2010 ladies n' babies photo rolls around, I've lost an inch on each side of my face! Darn late maternity weight. I had no idea how rotund I was getting until I looked at our photo batches. That is the best photo of the babies, though, that's for sure.
Congratulations on your dishwasher! Yay! I can't imagine keeping up with pots, pans, and dishes for a family of three (soon four) every day without one. Especially since you do so much home cooking and baking. We use lemon scent Cascade gel -- we tried Roundy's brand, but it smelled odd. I have found powders to work fine, too. We do put in Jet Dry to help items rinse cleaner and dry faster.
Aww, that is so awesome, to have baby friends for Bacon Bit and Crouton!
I checked there, because I noticed that WKRP in Cincinnati was on there!
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