Monday, August 03, 2009

Huh, the three guessers for tomorrow all have their name start with the letter K -- so very interesting. Good luck Kathy, Karen and Kellie! :D

I am beginning to put some hopes on the Full Moon inducing labor -- which would correspond with my own guess and my Redbood Shuistrology forecast. You know, go into labor tomorrow night and deliver sometime on the 5th -- thus utilizing the magic properties of the full moon. I guess we'll know soon won't we?

I was up every two hours last night from contractions, but by morning they were gone and I have felt fine all day. Except right now because Pluto just farted something nasty and it's hanging in the humid air. Hey summer came to visit! No seriously, I have some heartburn I think -- there is a ball of burning fire at the base of my throat - but since I don't often get heartburn I can never be sure if that is what it really is.

I went out to Michael's Craft Store after my mandatory sitting for an hour to relax after Morella went to bed to buy a new cross stitch kit -- this time for Crouton. It's a little baby one that will have her name and birth date on it. Yes, I am still working on the massive one for Morella -- but I needed a little something smaller in scale to work on. Then I went to Target to buy a soft nursing bra, deodorant, bread and milk and also ended up getting a notebook, 75% off jeans for Tim, toothbrushes, travel sized contact solution, individual size easy mac n cheese, gum, tic tacs, a twix (which gave me this heartburn), and a package of wet ones. Mostly I had fun looking around and just wandering. I considered it my "walking time" since our actual evening walk with Morella and the dog didn't happen today.

I did start packing my hospital bag though! I am even doing some laundry for it as we speak. It's a work in progress -- maybe I'll finish it tomorrow. There are big things that it will need like the laptop, the speakers, the camera, the phone, the phone charger, etc that we use on a daily basis -- but I suppose I could get me and Crouton's stuff ready. I just hate to have it be FULL because I am a notoriously light packer -- and I would feel super embarrassed about hauling all that crap to the hospital if it was a false labor you know? Maybe I should have two bags. Or maybe I should just be really sure that I am in labor when we head in.

A part of me considered today "why am I not the kind of person who would want an induction?" As in, to get this over with now and stop the waiting. I think the answer comes down to me hoping it's faster, easier and less painful than induced one.

Come on Crouton - don't let them induce you -- be master of your own destiny!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I took 2 bags to the hospital. One went in with us..of course planned c-section so no worries about false labor. But I had no idea what to expect so I packed a second bag and left it in the car in case I needed more stuff.

9:11 AM  

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