An update. I called the pediatrician at first to get advice on what to do and the nurse is the one who said to bring her in. Well the appointment was quick in and out and the Doctor said it wasn't bad at all. In fact, by then it had started to look much better and was in fact a little loose. He listened with interest on the advice I got in cord care (or in this case the lack of) and said "I've been a doctor for 30 years and we were always told to clean it alcohol. It's how it's been done for a 100 years but now they gotta go and change things that aren't broken."
Maddie - the lady who dropped off this most awesome mexican inspired fish dish caught me in the midst of my little overreaction and called her Mom to ask (who happens to be a pediatrician). She later called back to say that her Mom sees lots and lots of babies with stinky cords and that it doesn't mean it's infected and to just clean it with alcohol.
So. I felt better. I even went to bed at a decent time - 10:30PM. Athena was able to go bed with me since she had been eating, crying and eating all day and was tuckered out.
You wanna know happened after all of that? Her cord fell off during the night.
Sigh. Well. Live and learn, right?
Oh, thank God! I was so worried. I was especially worried because I didn't see an update. Ahhhhh... OK, I feel better.
I was determined not to raise my children by a book, but my first (not to name any names) had me sending Daddy to the bookstore for a copy of Dr. Spock when I got worried about the umbilical cord.
Here is a cyber hug to cover the last 3 entries.
Ahh 2 babies now. I remeber when Yaya was born. Luke had been pottie trained for a full 2 weeks with no accidents. I came home from the hospital with the new baby and he started peeing all over and I thought I was so together when in fact, he was confused and scared and jealous and peeing got him attention.
Yaya had colic, and while curt was a good help when we were awake, he was no help after bedtime. None. I remember one night Lucas was having these weird night terrors and he was up crying, and Yaya was screaming. no soonre would I get her soothed and lay down again, then I would lay down and she would start screaming. Then Luke. I remember that one night I just kneeled on the floor in a rage because I wanted to sleep so bad. I finally woke up curt and made him take care of the kids, because I was on the verge of insanity. Im telling you, I can see why mothers loose it and shake their babies. I guess the line is if you actually do it or not. Anyway, I know what you mean, yu had it all under control and now its all freak again. But you will be under control again soon, sooner than with morella even. Just remember you are 1 person. If you hurt, its okay to let either one of them wait. Morella is old enough to learn patience and empathy. Sometimes the best way to teach it is to make them wait a second while you catch your breath. having Morella help will help you too. Tell her to bring you diapers or the wipes when you need them, or to carry something for the baby. She will feel useful and helpful and she will be more in tune with what you are doing. Oh, and helping you in the process. Bonus.
My next book will be on teenagers, you can't kill them, but you can take their driver's license away part I. I'll let you know.
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