Athena at 2 Months
- Starting to track objects/people with her eyes
- Looks at faces and world around her
- Becoming quite the chatterbox -- cooing and gahing up a storm
- Does the happy infant dance (waving arms and legs up and down at the same time)
- Staying awake and alert for better chunks of time
- Prefers to be held facing out when active, or in cradle for snuggle
- Still sleeping with me most of the time in bed
- Won't take a bottle to save her life
- Losing some of the hair on the back of her head (getting rubbed off)
- Goes to bed around 10, wakes between 2-4 to eat, and then 6-7. Takes a long morning nap, and a long afternoon nap.
- Getting into 3-6 month clothing
- Not always the best carseat companion
- Can sleep through almost anything at home
- Head control is 75% established (as in can hold her head up pretty good, but wobbly)
- Hates tummy time

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