I had a pretty awesome day. We went to the Milwaukee Public Museum with the girls followed by a pleasant visit with extended family. Came home to no doggie accident, as it was a long time to go for him not going potty, and the girls went to bed fast and easy. I took lots of pictures but that is for another time. Right now I will present you with a few mobile photos from today and story time last Wednesday. Since this is what I spent the evening doing (organizing photos and getting them off my phone, out of my email and into a file) I thought that I would share.

Here are a bunch of photos from the past year you can check out: Mobile Photos 2009 - Present Actually, I am not entirely sure that you can. Will someone who is not friended with me on FB tell me if they can actually see these photos via the link provided? Thanks. :)
I'm glad you had an awesome day! Of tourism with two little kids, no less! I've been wanting to get back to the Milwaukee Public Museum -- I love the historical and international room displays they have. I think I'll wait until Nick is at least a happy-sitting one year, though, and able to drink milk or juice from a cup and eat snacks from his stroller tray. That'll buy me some browsing time.
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