Thursday, September 12, 2002

Sometimes, when you have been in argument with someone, you don't want them to know anything about you. You don't want your friends talking about you to them, you don't want to them to see you, and you don't want them reading your online journal. 8) Thus, I didn't write yesterday because I was struggling with pettiness and childish thoughts of revenge. But last night I was able to move beyond it, and hopefully keep moving past it. Too much time is wasted in those empty thoughts, and now ...I feel better. Not that I have been feeling bad in general, but even one negative thought is too much, especially when it is self pity.

Last night I did nothing yet again---but read. It was so nice. I finished my books, caught up on my postal mail for this week, and went to bed at 11.30. Tim even called, but didn't have much time to talk because he was tired and it was very late. He comes home tomorrow...I look forward to it. Tonight I am going to visit Erika. I ran into her at Mischa's party last Saturday and decided to take her up on her offer to visit.

These last two weeks have been pretty good (despite the streak of bad luck Tim and I are mired in). I have heard from many old friends: Kino, Zoey, Carrie, Jesmia, etc, I have had time to read and relax, watch movies, pet the cats and just...exist.

Oh, an I am collecting birthday dates, and anniversaries...please email me with these dates and your address, when you have a chance.


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