Monday, October 28, 2002

I turn on my computer and ICQ greets me with a random message from one Mr. Stuntlife at koed888@hotmail who innocently says: "just tring to find a girl who will sit on my face and cover it with cum" So yeah. He was sent directly to the ignore list. I wonder if there is a way to check out how many people are on that list. Just a head count would be interesting.

Party on Friday night. Too four times as many people as the time before I was there. They had four kegs, two huge vats of jungle juice, hard liqueur and still ran out of booze at 11.30 if that give you any clue as to how many people there were. Mischa said between 300-400 people. Uff. The only cool thing was seeing his Tron outfit glow in the dark. Jason, Erika, Tim and I moved onto the Beachwood, 45 min after arriving. There we rode out the night drinking and talking. Afterward Jason gave us a ride to the redline and cut our traveling home time by an hour. I hate the blue line connection. I will work on a picture page. Promise. I had other people take pictures since I don't have a camera anymore. It will take a little time.

Saturday slept in, didn't want to dress up again at all. Putzed all day watching movies. Found an outfit for Tim that looked awesome (hopefully someone will give me a piture of that), dressed up and went to Callie's Halloween party. She and Kristi did a great job in decorating and wore awesome outfits...especially Callie. Wow. Wait to you see the pictures--she dressed up as Carrie from....Carrie. We ate good food (cocktail weenies, cupcakes, cookies, dip, chips, carrots, candy and pretzels), drank some beer (MGD), smoked (camels), and went over to look at the crazy neighbors house covered from roof to basement in crosses, sheilds and weird phrases. After that other guests came and it got crowded so we moved onto the Goldstar, where Eric and Kate reigned supreme over the pool table (I think Eric was empowered by his Jason Bateman costume...confidence goes along way), and Tim and I talked with Rachal and Mike. Had a good time and then Mike and Rachal gave us a much needed ride home (again the party was over on the blue line route and it would have taken us forever to get home.

Sunday I got up and watched more movies on TV. I dunno, there seems to be a whole bunch I haven't seen lately. Got dressed around six and went over to see if my sister in law was still alive. I hadn't seen Becka in a few months (Even though she lives down the block), but that isn't entirely my or Tim's fault, because they haven't visited us ONCE the entire last year. One of their iquana's died, and I got to poke at it. Greg is still looking for a job, and Bekah is still at the law school thing. They just told Greg parents they got married a month or two ago (they had wanted to do it over the phone, which I can't understand to a point). I wonder when Matriarch Benninghoff will ever get to know her daughter got married.


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