Monday, October 14, 2002

I got a letter from Sarah! Excellent. I love mail, and it was a good letter. Now I get to write someone back (other than my Mom which I did last night). Getting mail makes the world go around, although there is no mail today thanks to that stubby litte spainard.

On Saturday got up early and drove to Madison (Waunakee) to participate in the Murder Mystery dinner curtesy of Paul. It was okay, I mean, I hosted Murdery Mystery parties that have been more fun because everyone dresses up and plays in character. Tim managed to be selected to be a 'Suspect" and was Sheerluck Holmes. There was point where he was asked to go in front of everyone with some other 'suspects' and read some dialogue. He pretended to have a British accent, which I thought was faint at best. After the thing ended though, several old Agatha Chrity ladies came up to him asking him if he was British or an actor, telling him what a fine performance he gave. Then there was an author at the end that talked a bit about her book and herself, and I had my hardcopy signed. I gave the extra (Tim and I got one each) to Sigrid and Matt later. That was my first author signing a book that they actually wrote, that I have. The only other author signature I have is Stephen Donaldson in my journal from a few years back.

Then we went to the Old Living Room, which has a new name...something like 'um Vintage something'. In any case, we visited with Paul for awhile, then went back to look at his apartment because he painted the walls, and then headed out to The Great Dane for fish and Chips. Had a nice time, dropped Paul off at the book store and went to meet Sigrid and Matt. They of course, are always fun. We hung out at their place and I got a few new items of clothing (one of which I am wearing now...a black skirt). Look at some of her old pictures of college and saw Tim with black hair, then Chuck came over and we all went to the Inferno for a night of terrible music. The next morning, we had pancakes at the Orginal Pancake House and headed over to Ben and Jen's to check out Tristan. I am relieved to say to he is a cute baby. I didn't have to fib at all. 8)


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