Friday, October 11, 2002

So. I am walking to work after running some errands this morning, on Ridge. A fairly pretty street, with midsize homes and eccentric gardens. I hear someone behind me shout and turn to look. I see a young man walking behind about a half a block away. I turn and think. That wasn't the guy who shouted, so I turn again, and see beyond the man to the guy behind running to catch up with someone. I look away satisfied knowing it who it was. At the end of the block I turn and start walking down a smaller street, and for the breifest of second think about the person behind me, wondering if he following me (I hate it when people walk behind me for a long period of time). Second later, I hear I noise, a squeak of an "excuse me". I turn to see the young man, half a block away standing there, wringing his hands.

"Um. I just wanted to .... ahh....I mean. I was following I mean behind you. And..." He paused to take calming breath. "I just wanted to say that you are the most gorgeous person I have ever seen. Um. And, ahh you left me breathless." He standing, near shaking and then dashes off the down an alley way. I stand stunned for a moment before I shout "Thank you!" to his fleeing form.

Wow. What a way to start the day.


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