Tuesday, October 08, 2002

Today, I spent the morning going through email, and researching my Halloween costume. It was hard to find any pictures of him, but I got em. I am going to have to practice it a bit and figure out what would work best. The hardest thing is going to be finding Tim a costume (one that he won't bitch about being lame, like he thinks mine is, and one that he will actually wear). I told him he should go as Cassidy? (from the Preacher?) and just wear blue jeans, a white T-Shirt, flannel and a "Hello My Name i" name badge. Of course...he thinks that is lame.

Last night we didn't go grocery shopping because it was cold and didn't feel like it. Instead we went to the corner convenience store and bought eggs, milk, bread, two frozen dinners for today lunch and ...that was it. That was what we needed to make the rest of our food work. When I got home, I was putting the eggs away, and dropped them. All but four of them broke. Can you guess what we had for dinner? Yep. Egg sandwiches and banana nut muffins. (I don't think you would have guessed the muffin part). Saved the other two for whatever I am going to do tonight. Make a cake? I watched some TV, and then read. I didn't feel like doing much beyond dishes, cleaning up kitchen and dinner.

Tonight I am going to see Ned at the Metro for Nocturna. Tim can't go because he has to get up early on Wednesday, but I have other people to hang out with.


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