Monday, January 06, 2003

Three years ago, on this day... I broke my back. Callie, Kersten, Luke and Kristi were all there to help me to the car and drive my lame ass to the hospital. Although, we really probably should have taken an ambulance. But then there wouldn't be a story, would there?

Anyway. I just want to express my thanks to everyone that helped us out during that and a special big thanks to Kersten.


This weekend was pretty good. I had escargot last night. It was salty.
I had the worst Jewel Osco experience where I almost started directing carts and yelling at people to be aware of their surroundings after getting stuck in the cereal aisle for 5 minutes. I watched more Babylon 5. Ordered deep dish pizza. Went shopping and got some great stationary deals and crafty stuff. Made two pairs of moccasins and watched a lot of bad movies while I crafted.


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