Saturday, April 05, 2003

Today we went and did our duty as citizens of the United States and had our taxes prepared. I haven't prepared my own since ... well since I was sixteen. It is somehow a little easier for me to pay to have someone break it to me easy that I owe uncle sam a fucking lot of money. This year was an all time high of 2k. Outrageous. Absolutely outrageous. I am still working on ways of putting a positive spin on it...for example we are doing well enough if sam thinks we can pay that amount in taxes.

Tonight we are going to see Cowboy Bebop at the Music Box Theatre. I think it is something Tim will like because of the whole spaghetti western aspect, and I will hopefully like it for the scifi aspect. I'll let you know. Oh and Christian, remind me to send you three great reviews of what electroclash is (thanks to the musical distillation of my friend Eric).


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