Wednesday, September 17, 2003

I cleaned up my website a bit. It's nice to have more of the space that was allotted to me. I called the ComEd today to tell them that we had moved, again and I got bitched out by the lady there. She said it my fault that the service hadn't been cancelled because *I* wasn't supposed to call it in. Tim was, since he is the name on the account. She said that it had been cancelled on the 2nd, but only because the new person requested change of service. To top it off she still wants payment of $1.73 cents. Bastard.

Pluto puked today. Luckily I heard the rebellion start in his stomach before the casualties fell and guided him towards the hardwood floor. I think there was bit of fat in the pork chops that were left over that didn't agree with him. Either that or the rawhide bone he has been eating. He worked on that bone for close to three hours last night and is even now working on it again. I wish he would learn to play. Then he wouldn't be so bored. And yesterday I figured out why he seemed so low energy. Tim had to leave really early for a class that was downtown and told me that he needed to be walked. He left, I stayed up and read a bit before falling back asleep. It was only when he got home and asked me if I feed the animals, did I realize why Arkham was giving me more shit than usual, and Pluto was despondent. I am such a bad owner.

Today I am cleaning the house. I feel bad for getting up at 11:00 this morning even though I went to bed at 10.30 last night. I have been getting more sleep than I need and yet...I still sleep to 11? Maybe because I didn't go to sleep for such a long time last night. I hate laying in bed with my mind racing. The key here is to get up when Tim leaves. It's not like I have a lively night life that I need to stay up.

Tim just called and said he is coming home early today because it is such a beautiful day. It is indeed a great day, and what am I doing with it? Chores. Staying inside. I should be outside riding bike or something, but really...what do I need to be doing outside? Nothing. There will be other beautiful days.


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