Thursday, November 20, 2003

Ahh...much better today. In addtion to Tim's great suggestions, he went out of his way to buy me an arrangement (that he made himself) of flowers. What a sweetie. IT's so nice outside I want to go and do something. I was going to take Pluto for a walk but got stuck on the phone with Cingular because we were idiots and couldn't figure out how to set up our own voice mail. Blah. Now it's close the kids being let out of school and walking a big, black dog makes some children nervous.

Even though he is a big sweetie. Which he is. Maybe a bike ride? But where? I could go to Woodmans....and see what they have to offer although I think we are going tonight. [ ..asking Tim now...] Ahh. He gave me the ever typical male comment "If you want."

What I want is more green beads. This tree business is really fun. I wonder where I can get some...the beads I got at BJ were a dollar twenty for a package and I had gotten two...maybe I could go and get another color of green? It's the best I have over in my neck of the woods and I hate to even buy beads from craft stores ..but.... but...


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