Monday, March 29, 2004

I got sick of IE crashing every other click (even after I defraged my machine). I took Tim's advice and switched over to Mozilla. So far it seems to be working much better! Awesome.

Friday morning Jack arrived for his weekend playdate with Pluto. It's weird having another greyhound around...though Jack is white with black spots (like a cow) he still seemed just like Pluto. As if Pluto just looked a little different. They had a great time ripping up the yard, smelling each other's business, and peeing over each other's pee. By Sunday though, one could tell that Pluto was starting to get a little jealous of all the attention. His head butts became very insistent. Also, I am very jealous of Jack's ability to sit. Tim and I have a new mission. Pluto WILL learn to sit. By golly.

Friday night I went to the Essen Haus and met up with a bunch of other Epic folks for our second run, I even danced TWO polkas! Liama came and stayed for a long longer that five minutes and I had a great time. I love international crowds. Makes me feel alive and human.

Saturday we watched American Slender. It was a good movie. I asked Tim if he was going to write a review of it, but he said he has a hard time writing good reviews. I suggested to just say it was good and get to the funny part of three reasons why you should see it. I also watched Clay Pigeons...not too bad. Not to bad at all. It was a day of movies, reading, bath, and relaxing.

Sunday Tim packaged up all the boxes from our move in the garage, Sarah bought a bike, I made a great dinner of baked halibut, pasta and veggies, worked on my story, read some other stories, transplanted a plant, adios to Jack (and inert happiness at the prospect of earning ourselves a Pluto free weekend), made a cappuccino, wrote a few emails to some authors I recently read in my books, and then went to bed.

It was a good weekend, but I am afraid I didn't get as much as I would like done in my story. My story that is vast becoming a novella (at the very least). Crap! I might need an extension. Off to work on it now.

Oh and a Happy Birthday to Kate. I expect to see pictures soon.


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